
The Barber 6


The Barber – Surprises

I woke up late the next morning, naked and alone. My cock was so drained from the previous day's workout I didn't even have morning wood.

A laid in bed for a few moment, collecting my thoughts, rerunning some of the events. The last thing I remembered clearly was the conversation with Alexis and her friends after Ashley left.

I'd soundly fucked Ashley's amazing, 18-year-old ass, much to the surprise of my daughter and the rest of the girls. What amazed them even more, I think, was how much Ashley loved having my hard shaft riding in and out of her bowels and my cum shooting deeply in her guts.

Then it was my turn to be shocked as my 13-year-old daughter asked me if I wanted to fuck her in ass. I really didn't know what to say.

Of course I wanted to fuck Lex's ass. I had visions of bending her over the counter in the kitchen, tying her wrists to the faucet and driving my cock into her young ass until she begged me to stop. In my dreams, after Alexis was a quivering mass of ass-fucked teenager, I'd move on to Raven, tying her down across the table, saving 12-year-old Natalie for last. I wanted her, bound face-down on my bed while I straddled her thin hips and coltish legs, driving my rampant shaft into her upturned butt.

What I said was I wasn't sure if they were big enough yet to take an adult cock in her ass. I explained some of the mechanics of ass fucking, how it wasn't like “traditional” sex. While it could accommodatequite a bit of stretching, the anal sphincter had limits and a young girl's ass was smaller than an adult woman's, even one of 18.

I don't know if our conversation satisfied them.

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   You know how it is with younger girls. They want everything and they want it now. They don't understand consequences. But, for the nonce, they seemed OK with the answers.

The girls ended up watching a movie while I crashed out, exhausted, and finally headed home. I woke once in the night with my daughter, wearing just a pair of panties, curled up asleep at my side.

Anyway, I pulled on a pair of shorts and I wandered into the living room with a brief stop in the john to drain my complaining bladder. There, I found Alexis curled up on the sofa in just a white tank top and panties, looking disheveled but none the worse for wear.

“Hi, daddy,” my baby girl said. “I made some coffee for you. It's in the kitchen. Want me to get you a cup?”

“No thanks, sweetie,” I said. “You look too comfortable. I'll get it. ”

I moved toward the kitchen, intent on coffee and half a bagel with cream cheese.

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   I called back to Alexis, asking if she wanted anything. She asked for a glass of juice with ice, which I dutifully collected while my bagel toasted.

Back in the living room, victuals in hand, I sat down on the sofa next to my daughter. She took her glass of juice, then spun around, snuggling up against my bare chest.

“So,” she said after a few minutes. “Have you thought about it?”

“About what, baby?” I asked.

“Doing me in my butt?” she said nonchalantly , acting like she was asking for more juice.

I about spit out a mouthful of coffee.

“Well, um, yeah,” I said. “I guess I have. ”

“And?” she said, still looking at the television.

“I still think my cock is too big for your little butt,” I said, deciding on honesty. “I'm worried about hurting you. If it's not done carefully, losing your anal virginity could cause real damage. ”

Alexis was silent for a few moments as the television droned on with some mindless kid's show in the background.

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   It only served to remind me how young she actually was. I felt the first stirrings of guilt creep into my mind at what we'd been up to for the past two days.

“How do you feel?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” Alexis replied, setting her glass on the table and sitting up, turning to look at me.

“About, you know,” I said, finding it difficult to put my thoughts into words.

“Oh,” she said with a laugh. “You mean about you fucking the crap out of me and my friends?”

“Um, yeah,” I said sheepishly. “Basically that. ”

“Daddy, I've been waiting for you to do that to me for, like, forever,” she said. “I'd just about given up on you ever catching on to what I really wanted. ”

I was, to say the least, floored. I couldn't wrap my head around the idea my baby girl had decided to seduce me.

She explained she'd talked to Raven about it finally, after trying for most of two years to get me to notice her. Thinking back I realized she had been more open, almost exhibitionistic, in front of me ever since her young body started to blossom. Instead of exhibiting a young teen girl's modesty which typically developed along with their form, Alexis had virtually flaunted her growing body, at least at home.

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It had actually been Raven's idea to buy the tiny bikini that had started it all, first the shaving, then my taking her virginity. After that first time, apparently, Alexis had immediately told her older confident all about it. It was then they decided the dark-haired teen was to be next on “my” list of conquests.

Natalie had been a last-minute addition. She'd apparently heard them talking about what had been happening and wormed her way in.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. And I'd been feeling guilty about the entire affair – or affairs, however you wanted to look at it. Only to find out I'd been played like a Stradivarius.

“I've seen how much you miss, um, company,” Alexis said. “I decided I was old enough to provide it for you. And I want to give you all of me. You've been so good to me, daddy. Everything – everything - I have is yours. ”

She finally ran out of steam and sat there, looking at me with a questioning look on her face. I really didn't know what to say.

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   I just looked at her, searching for any signs of second thoughts or regrets. I couldn't see anything amiss.

“Take your clothes off, baby,” I said, turning toward her.

“Oh, yippee!” she cried, ripping the shirt off and tearing her panties down. “You gonna put it in my butt now?”

“Hold on,” I said. “We're going to take this very slowly. Everything I said still applies. If this isn't done right, and carefully, you could be seriously injured. Perhaps to the point of having to take you to hospital. Then we'd both be in trouble. ”

A little white lie, just a tiny bit of insurance. If she ended up in the hospital with rectal bleeding, the only one who'd be up the creek would be me.

As Alexis got ready, I walked into the bedroom to grab the smallest vibrator I'd bought. Less than an inch across, I figured it would be a good start. Perhaps I'd been thinking this when I bought it.

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   I don't know.

After a quick stop in the bathroom to grab some hand cream to use as lube and a few towels, I headed back into the living room. Alexis was laid out on the sofa, one foot on the floor, the other stretched out and up, hooked on the back of the cushions. Her right hand was moving slowly between the hairless lips of her pussy while the other alternated back and forth between her gorgeous, perfect tits.

Setting my burdens on the low coffee table, I lowered myself to the ground beside my daughter. Grasping her legs, I gently turned her so she was sitting normally on the sofa, more reclining with her ass at the edge of the cushion. I pushed her legs up and back, resting her feet beside the cheeks of her ass, spreading her wide.

I leaned in and kissed her gently on her still-smooth Mons, eliciting a moan from deep in her throat. I moved my lips and tongue around, covering her nether regions with kisses, as my hands gently massaged her 13-year-old ass before sliding up to cup her tiny breasts.

Alexis' moans grew louder and deeper as I stimulated her body, driving her higher and higher. I wanted her extremely aroused before I went anywhere near her miniscule back passage. I locked my lips to her pussy, my tongue questing for her depths, before sucking the rock-hard pebble of her clitoris into my mouth.

I nibbled on the little nub, lashing it with just the tip of my tongue, dragging my teeth gently back and forth across that delicate piece of flesh. Alexis started moving her hips, thrusting her pussy into my sucking mouth.

I picked up the vibrator and ran the tip between her nether lips before slowly sliding it into her teenage pussy.

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As I flicked the switch, triggering the internal motor of the faux phallus, Alexis came unglued. She cried out, “Oh, Daddy!” as she wrapped her hands around my head, her fingers twining in my hair as she pulled me tighter against her crotch.

“Oh, God, Daddy!” Alexis cried. “Oh, God! I'm cumming!”

And cum she did. I fluttered my tongue rapidly across her clit, watching as her vaginal sphincter convulsed around the thrusting, buzzing toy. To my surprise, a steady flow of her natural juices flowed from her snatch like a river. My baby was squirting.

“Oh, jeez,” she moaned as she came down from what I was determined would be just the first of many orgasms. “Oh, God! It never felt like that before. What happened to me? I feel like I peed. ”

“You squirted, baby,” I said. “Sometimes, if women have a very intense orgasm, their natural lubrication can flow or even squirt from their pussy, just like my cum does from my cock. ”

“Wow,” she said. “That was, like … wow!”

“Oh, we're just getting started,” I said, grinning up at her, my face glistening with her moisture. “You ain't seen nothin' yet.

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I flicked the vibrator to it's top speed, angled it so the tip would slide across the front wall of her vagina, and moved it slowly back inside. I watched as Alexis' eyes literally rolled back in her head as the new sensations coursed through her body. I returned to licking and sucking her clit as I fucked her slowly and steadily with the vibrator.

With my free hand, I squirted a generous dollop of the hand cream on my fingers. I brought them up between her cheeks, carefully greasing up just the exterior ring of her anus. Her moans ramped up as she felt my finger tips sliding around her asshole, teasing that delicate flower.

“Oh, yes, Daddy!” she moaned. “Please, put your finger in my butt! That feels sooooo good!”

I teased just the tip of my index finger inside the tight ring of her ass, then out, sliding some of the cream into her butt. Back to the bottle, I retrieved another dose of cream, then back to her ass. I pushed a little more inside. I kept this up moving my finger just a millimeter or so deeper into her ass, until I was in to the first knuckle.

I started slowly and steadily fingering her ass, pausing every now and then to collect more lubricant, feeling her sphincter relax until I was able to slide my entire index finger in as far as it would go. Lubing my ring finger, I began again, sliding just the tips of two fingers in until, finally, I was plumbing her depths completely.

“That feels so weird!” Alexis groaned.

“Does it hurt?” I asked.

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“A little,” she said. “But if feels good more than it hurts. You gonna put your cock in me now?”

“Not yet, baby,” I said. “Possibly not today at all. We'll see how this goes. ”

I slid the vibrator out of her pussy, replaced my fingers with the tip, and pushed it slowly inside. Her reaction was immediate – and loud.

“Oh, FUCK!” she cried. “God, that feels good!”

Gently as possible, I slid the shaft back and out of her ass, eliciting a groan from deep in Alexis' throat. She wrapped her arms around her legs, pulled her knees back and tried to thrust forward against the vibrator.

“Slow down, baby,” I said. “Let me do this. You get to energetic, you might hurt yourself. ”

I probed deeper and deeper until I was sliding the entire, seven inch shaft in and out of her ass. Alexis' eyes were periodically rolling back in her head as a series of mini-orgasms wracked her slim, young body as I shafted her rectum, teased her clit with my tongue and tweaked her tiny, diamond-hard nipples.



Then I got an idea. I asked Alexis is she wanted to try something else. She just moaned and nodded, her eyes shut as she quaked through another mini-cum. I buried all but about an inch of the vibrator up her ass, flicked it on high and slotted the tip of my cock into her pussy.

I slowly pushed forward, watching Alexis' face as I pressed myself in her snatch. Her eyes grew wider as I slipped deeper into her, feeling the vibrations in her ass through the walls of her pussy. Once seated deeply inside her crevice, I asked her if she was alright.

“I'm more than alright, Daddy,” my baby girl moaned. “Please, fuck me!”

Who was I to refuse a request like that. I quickly established a steady rhythm in that ages-old dance, occasionally stopping to grind myself deeply into her at full penetration. That way, not only did I receive the stimulation from the vibrator up her ass along the shaft of my cock, but the switch end of the device would come to rest against my scrotum, directly between my balls.

“Fuck, Daddy!” Alexis moaned, over and over again like a mantra. “Please, Daddy! Put your cock in my butt!”

I just kept pounding her pussy, gradually building up speed, but always holding myself somewhat in check. She definitely seemed to be enjoying the double penetration of cock and toy. I still wasn't sure she could take the length and, more importantly, the width of my cock in her young, virgin ass.


   I explained my concerns best I could as I rhythmically fucked her puss.

“Can't … we … just … try it … Daddy?” she asked me, her speech punctuated as she pressed back against my thrusts.

I slowed to a stop, leaving my cock buried in pussy, enjoying the mix of tight, wet teen pussy and vibrator-stuffed asshole. I looked down at Alexis. Her eyes were pleading with me, imploring me to fuck her ass.

“OK, baby,” I said, drawing my cock from her clenching depths. “But you tell me right away if it starts to hurt, or you want to stop for any reason. ”

“Yes, Daddy,” she said, a moan escaping her lips as I extracted the vibrator from her ass. Free, I took it into the bathroom to clean it before using it on her pussy, telling her I'd be right back.

By the time I returned, Alexis was spread out on the sofa, three fingers of one hand buried in her ass and two of the other hand in her pussy. I just gaped at this wanton display of teen sexuality going on before me.

“Wanted to stay ready for you, Daddy,” she explained, sheepishly. “Is that OK?”

My cock, which had flagged some while washing the dildo, sprang back to rock hard, full attention as soon as I looked at her.

“Yes, baby girl,” I said. “That was a very good idea.

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I'd found a bottle of baby oil in the bathroom and brought it with me. I figured it would provide a better lubricant for my cock than the hand cream. I squirted a generous amount on my fingers, working it into her ass as I knelt back between her legs. Then I placed the tip of the bottle in her tiny hole, depositing a couple of tablespoons of the oil directly into her ass.

“Oooh, Daddy!” she exclaimed. “That's cold!”

“Sorry, Lex,” I said. “I'll warm you up in a minute. ”

After coating the head of my cock with yet more oil, I slipped the head between her cheeks, massaging her sphincter. Alexis moaned again as I zeroed the tip against her tight, essentially-virgin hole.

“Are you sure about this, baby?” I said, pressing forward slightly to let her feel it.

“Yes, Daddy,” she said. “I'm ready. Fuck me, please. ”

Here we go, I thought, not for the last time. In for a penny, in for a pound.

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   I leaned in with my hips, applying a slow, steady pressure as I felt her ass being to flower around the head of my cock.

DAMN! I thought. It's going to rip the skin off my shaft, she was so tight. But, patience and generous amounts of lubrication, as they say.

I kept up the pressure and Alexis whimpered, making minute adjustments to her position and my aim. I got the head in, finally, and just left it there, letting her get used to the sensation of a cock in her ass for the first time.

“That's the worst, baby,” I said, figuring the head is the widest part of the cock. “You OK?”

“OK,” she said, sounding more like a little girl than she had any time since this sexual adventure began. I suddenly realized that's exactly what she was – my little girl and I was trying to fuck her ass.

“I'm going to pull it out, baby,” I said. “We can try again another time. ”

“NO, Daddy!” she said, forcefully as she wrapped her legs around my waist, trapping me between her thighs. “Please! I want to do this.

This was definitely a personality trait I recognized. Once my Alexis set her mind to do something, she was determined to see it through, whatever the cost.

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   I just never dreamed in my wildest imaginings it would be seducing her father and losing all her varied virginities to me over the course of a weekend.

“It really feels better now, Daddy,” she said. “Push your cock in my butt. ”

I pressed forward again, meeting resistance, until it felt like something just gave and my cock surged in about half way up her ass. Alexis' eyes clamped shut in response and her mouth opened in a silent scream.

I stopped pushing immediately. Before I could even ask, though Alexis assured me she was fine and wanted me to continue. I slid my arms under her thighs, pulled them from around my waist and hooked her ankles on my shoulders. This allowed me to brace myself on my arms to keep from plunging into her completely by accident.

I pulled out until just the head remained inside her ass then, ever so slowly, slid back in. I also picked up the vibrator, turned it on low, and began teasing it around her clit. The added stimulation seemed to do the trick as I felt her sphincter relax and adjust to the alien invader.

“Ooooh, Daddy,” she groaned. “That feels so much better now. Put the rest of it in.

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“Slowly, baby,” I moaned. “I … will. ”

I established an agonizingly slow rhythm, out to the head, then back in, a little further each time as her ass adjusted to accommodate my cock, all the time stimulating her pussy with the vibrator. Finally, after five minutes that seemed like hours, I was buried all the way to my balls in my 13-year-old daughter's ass. I couldn't believe it.

“More, Daddy,” Alexis groaned. “Please, more. ”

“There is no more, baby,” I said. “You've got my hole cock in your cute little butt. ”

“Yeah?” she said, looking deep into my soul with her big, beautiful eyes.

“Yeah, baby girl,” I said. “How does it feel?”

“Yippee!” she said. “I did it!”

I just laughed as I slid my cock back out, then pressed forward again. I maintained the slow, steady rhythm, gradually increasing the frequency of my thrusts, until I was soundly fucking Alexis' young ass.

I wasn't pounding her into the sofa cushions by any means.

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   But she was getting fucked and, if the sounds she was making were any clue, she was loving it.

I flicked the vibrator up one notch and pressed just the tip to her clitoris. The vibrations on her tiny nubbin evidently sent shock waves throughout her body. She cried out and came, her ass muscles clenching down on my over-worked cock.

“Oh, shit!” we moaned in unison as her orgasm wracked her tight young body.

“Fuck me harder, Daddy,” Alexis cried. “Fuck me like you fucked Ashley!”

I didn't cut loose on her like I had on Ashley, but I did pick up the pace some, eliciting more moans and groans from my daughter. The sensation of my balls impacting against her cheeks as I fucked her ass was amazing, the sound ringing through the room with a steady slap, slap, slap.

She was going absolutely wild, her vocalizations devolving into guttural, “Ung, ung, ung,” noises with each thrust. Alexis was building to another orgasm and I could tell from her reactions and body language it was going to be a big one.

I was proved right just moments later. With a final wail, Alexis' legs slid off my shoulders, locked around my waist and pulled every millimeter of my cock into her ass. Her internal muscles convulsed around my cock, the contractions in her pussy transferring to her asshole and milking my deeply-imbedded shaft.

That was all I could take as, with a roar of my own, I filled her bowels with my cum. Rope after rope of sperm rocketed out of my cock to coat her intestines and overflow to be forced out the tight seal of her sphincter by my cock.

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The feelings going through both our bodies were too much to allow words, even sounds, to escape. We both just strained against each other, our orgasms mixing and feeding off one another until we couldn't take it any more.

After a time it was impossible to gauge, we both came down. I simply collapsed on my baby girl, limp as a dishrag, my cock wilting rapidly inside her still twitching ass.

“Oh, my God, Daddy,” Alexis said when she could finally speak again. “That was incredible!”

“Yeah, Lex,” I agreed, panting to catch my breath. “It was. ”

“We've got to do that again!” she said with a grin.

“Yeah, baby,” I said. “Not now. ”

“OK,” she said, climbing to her feet with the energy of youth. “Wimp. ”

“Hey, little brat!” I said with mock anger. I grabbed her sweaty, naked body and pulled her down over my lap. “I'm still your father and you can't talk to me that way.

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“Ooooh,” she mocked. “Big, bad Daddy gonna spank the itty bitty girl?”

“You bet!” I said, laying one – not too hard – directly on her right cheek, followed by one on her left. Back and forth, five slaps just hard enough to sting, on each cheek.

I released my grip and, laughing, Alexis squirmed away with a “Ha, ha! Didn't hurt me. ”

“Go take a shower,” I said. “I have an errand to run. ”

“Take me with you,” she said. “Please!”

“Not this time, baby,” I said. “It's another surprise. ”

I quickly cleaned up, removing the remnants of our recent coupling from my groin, and dressed in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I grabbed my keys and headed for the door, one destination in mind.

As I'd been preparing Alexis for the loss of her anal virginity, I'd thought it would be good to add some anal toys – beads, plugs of various sizes, etc. – to our small but growing collection. So, with that goal in mind, I headed to my new favorite retail outlet – the book store where Ashley worked.

It was only about a 10 minute drive and, luckily, I found a parking spot almost directly in front of the store.

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   I walked through the door, hoping more than a little to see Ashley behind the counter, even on a Sunday.

Where I'd expected her smiling face, I found the pleasant but bored face of another young girl. I said hello and received a non-committal grunt in return. I decided to shake her up a little bit.

“Are Ashley or her father here?” I asked.

“No,” she said, somewhat snippy. “Ashley doesn't work here. And her old man is out for the day taking her back to that fancy boarding school she attends. The term starts tomorrow. ”

“Really,” I said. “I had the impression last time I was here that Ashley ran the place while her father was out. Oh, never mind. What college does she go to?”

“College?” the girl asked. “She goes to that snooty prep school two counties over. The dumb brat's only 15!”



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Discover Elite Escort Services in Netanya: Your Ultimate Guide

Netanya, a vibrant city located on Israel's Mediterranean coastline, is renowned for its stunning beaches, lively nightlife, and a thriving escort scene. The city's escort services are characterized by their professionalism, discretion, and the high quality of the companions available. Whether you're a local resident or a visitor, Escort Netanya offers a unique opportunity to experience intimate companionship with some of the most captivating escort girls in the region. Features of Escort Girls in Netanya Escort girls in Netanya are known for their beauty, elegance, and sophistication. They come from diverse backgrounds, offering a variety of looks and personalities to suit every preference. These escorts are not only visually appealing but also well-educated and articulate, making them perfect companions for social events, business functions, or private encounters. They are skilled in providing a range of services, from a simple dinner date to more intimate experiences, ensuring that every client’s desires are met with utmost satisfaction. Nightlife in Netanya Netanya's nightlife is as dynamic as it is diverse, with numerous bars, clubs, and restaurants that cater to all tastes. The city's nightlife scene is complemented by the presence of high-class escort services, which add an extra layer of excitement and exclusivity to any evening out. Whether you prefer a quiet night at a sophisticated lounge or a lively evening at a bustling nightclub, having an escort by your side can significantly enhance your experience. Provision of Intimate Escort Services The provision of intimate escort services in Netanya is handled with the highest level of professionalism and discretion. Escorts in Netanya understand the importance of privacy and confidentiality, ensuring that every encounter is conducted in a secure and respectful manner. Services range from companionship for social events to private, intimate sessions tailored to the client's specific desires. The escorts are adept at creating a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere, making every moment spent together memorable. Escort Services in Main Areas of Netanya Netanya is divided into several key areas, each offering its own unique charm and attractions. The main areas where escort services are frequently sought include: 1. City Center: The bustling heart of Netanya, filled with shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues. Escorts in this area are perfect for accompanying you to dinner dates, shopping trips, or cultural events. 2. Beachfront: Known for its beautiful beaches and scenic views, the beachfront area is ideal for romantic walks, beachside dining, and private getaways. Escorts here can provide a relaxing and intimate experience against the backdrop of the Mediterranean Sea. 3. Industrial Zone: Although primarily a business district, the industrial zone also hosts several upscale hotels and conference centers. Escorts in this area are often engaged for business functions and corporate events, providing companionship that is both elegant and professional. 4. Residential Areas: In the quieter residential neighborhoods, escorts offer a more private and personalized service, perfect for those seeking a discreet and intimate encounter away from the hustle and bustle of the city. For more information and to explore the available escort services in Netanya, you can visit Escort Netanya - In conclusion, Netanya's escort scene is a vibrant and integral part of the city's nightlife and social landscape. With a wide range of services and an emphasis on discretion and professionalism, escort girls in Netanya provide an unparalleled experience for those seeking companionship and intimate encounters.
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