


I was at sleep away camp a couple of years ago.   I had been there for two weeks, and I was slowly going insane.   I hadn't been able to jerk off since I'd been up there.   Every night when I went to sleep, I had a hard-on, and every day when I woke up, I had a hard-on.   It was rough.
But I had hope.   I met a girl one day in the computer lab.   Her name was Alix.   She had the computer next to me.   We got to talking and I found out that we had a lot in common.   We liked the same bands, the same movies, the same TV shows.   She was a couple years older than me, but we hit it off nonetheless.   She was a very pretty girl, and I hoped that we'd get a chance to. . . well, get closer.

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One night, a lot of the kids were hanging out at the basketball courts.   Some were shooting around, others were just hanging around.   I was one of the kids who was hanging around.   Honestly, I wasn't thinking about her right then.   But I saw her walking along the path near the court, and I figured that tonight was as good a night as any.   I was tired of this hard-on that wouldn't go away.   So I dashed up to the path.
"Hey!" I yelled.   "Alix!"  She turned and saw me.   She smiled and walked towards me.
"How are you?" she asked.
"Great!  Where are you headed?"
"Just up to my bunk.   I feel like turning in early. "
"Oh. "  Fuck.

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    "Do you mind if I walk you there?"
"Sure.   Why not.   It's a bit of a walk. "
"I don't mind. "  We started up the path.
"It's nice out, isn't it?" she asked me.
"Sure is. "
"The summers up here are really nice.   Especially at night.   It's hot as hell during the day, but nice and cool at night. "
"Yeah. "  She turned to look at me.
"Is something wrong?"
"What?  Oh, no.   Nothing's wrong. "
"I don't believe that.

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    Come on, tell me.   What's up?"  I sighed.
"I don't know if I should tell you.   You might get all offended.   And I don't want to offend you. "  She smiled.
"I won't be offended.   Come on, spit it out. "
"Well, I mean. . . well, it's really nothing, it's just. . . well, I've been up here for two weeks now and.

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  . . "
"Yes?  And?"
"And. . . I haven't masturbated since then. "  I really expected her to blow up at me.   But she nodded her head and made an "ah" noise.   I looked at her.   "That's it?  'Ah?'"
"Yeah.   I can understand.   I love masturbating.   I haven't been able to for a long time, It's hard to deal with, but I guess it's harder for boys. "
"You, uh. .

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  . wouldn't happen to know of anywhere where I could, do you?"  She laughed.
"Oh, sure.   Down by the water.   There's a shed where they keep all the pool equipment.   Camp legend says it's smelled like cum ever since the first people went down there to have sex.   Why?"
"Well, I mean. . . now that I know, I guess I was thinking of. . . you know, heading down there. "
"What, now?  It's almost curfew. "
"Oh, please.

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    I can finish up in a minute if I have to.   Besides. . . I was hoping that, since you needed to, you'd come with me. "  She turned and looked at me.   I really thought she was going to explode this time.
"I'm sorry," she said.   "I know what you're asking me for, but I can't give it to you. "
"Oh, I see.   I get it.   So you're lesbian, huh?"
"Not quite.   Solosexual. "  I must've looked confused, so she said, "It means I only masturbate.   No sex.

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    Girls or guys.   I just can't risk getting hurt. "
"Oh.   So you'll never have sex, ever?"
"Well, maybe not ever, but not for a while.   Maybe if I found the right guy. "  She smiled, somewhat sadly.   "You know, you're about the closest I've come to that guy.   I'm sorry.   If I was interested in guys, I'd come down there with you. "
"Oh. "  She stared at me for a while, then sighed.
"Oh, what the hell.   Alright, I'll come down there with you.   Only because I need to masturbate.   I need it a lot.

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    I'm not going to have sex with you, though.   You can masturbate too, but that's it.   We clear?"
"Crystal clear. "
"Okay.   Follow me. "
We got to the shed in minutes.   There was a combination lock on the door.   Alix spun the lock, and, amazingly, it clicked open.
"One of my bunkmates told me the code," she said.   "Seems that it's not exactly secret.   Come on in, but be quiet. "
She opened the door slowly.   It creaked a little bit, but not loudly.   We were at the end of the campground farthest away from everybody else.   We walked in, closing the door behind us.

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It was totally dark in there.   I bumped into something hard and groaned.
"Where are you?" I gasped.
A light flickered on.   I looked around.   Alix had popped a lighter open.   With the light, I could finally see around the place.   It was a dump.   I had just bumped my leg on a worn table.
"It does smell like cum," I said.   She set the lighter on a countertop, giving us light throughout basically the entire shack.
"The cum of dozens of campers, accumulated throughout the years. "  She wrinkled her nose.   "Dry cum, to be precise. "  She was already undoing her belt.

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    "Remember your promise. "
"Don't worry.   I won't rape you or anything. "
"You say that now, but once you see me naked, you might do it.   I take it you've never seen a cunt before?"
"Not once.   You ever seen a dick before?"
"Nope.   I guess we'll both learn something tonight. "  She undid her pants and slid them and her panties off her legs.   She was naked from the waist down.   She looked at me.   "Excited yet?"
"Yes. "
"Then take your fucking clothes off.   I'd naked, why aren't you?"  I hurriedly began getting undressed.   She was calmly stripping off her shirt.   There was no bra underneath.


"I don't wear one," she said, as if she knew what I was thinking.   I slid my shirt over and off my head.   "I like things to hang free. "
"I know what you mean," I said, undoing my jeans and underwear and sliding them off.   "Usually, I go commando. "
"Neat.   But isn't it uncomfortable?"
"No.   Underpants are uncomfortable.   I can let my junk breathe a little.   As you see, it needs it. "  I was hard now.   Seven inches.   She let out a whistle.
"If I was into guys, I'd be on you right now. "
"But you're not.

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    You're into the masturbation part.   I take it you don't want any help?"
"Fingering's not a two-person job.   I appreciate it, but I can cum pretty well by myself. "
"You are a big girl, I guess. "
"You're a big guy.   In more ways than one. "
"Look, we can sit around all day, but my hard-on is still here. "
"And my pussy is dripping.   So let's start, shall we?"  She sat down against the countertop.   I walked over and sat down next to her, but a good distance away.   She spread her legs and gently massaged her slit.   I grasped my cock in one hand and started stroking.
I had gone through enough orgasms to be able to handle the pleasure.   I didn't moan or groan or say anything.   I just went at it.

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    Alix was the same.   I expected her to be yelling and moaning immediately, but all I heard was a few short, dull moans as she worked her slit.   I could see it glistening in the light as she worked it.
Soon after, she started fingering herself.   She slid her middle finger into the slit and moved it in and out for a while, but she still didn't react beyond a few short moans.   She still didn't when she added a second finger.   Even adding a third finger only made her breathe a little harder.
But I was so turned on.   I was paying more attention to her than I was to myself.   She was a master, pumping her fingers in and out of her pussy like lightning.   Why would she need a cock?  She was giving herself the fingerfucking of a lifetime and she wasn't even flinching.   Me, on the other hand. . . well, between her fingering herself like a pro and my pent-up sexual frustration, I was approaching my climax faster than I ever had before.

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"Yeah, that's it," I murmured.   "That's fucking awesome. . . finger that pussy, yeah, yeah, just like that. . . oh, that's gonna fucking make me cum. . . "
She did something then that I will never forget.   She pulled her fingers out, then balled her entire hand into a fist and, before I fully registered what she was doing, she had pushed the entire fist into her cunt.   She let out a moan of pure joy as she fisted her pussy.   That pushed me clean over the edge.
"I'm cumming!" I yelled out as I felt my dick spasm.

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    Waves of intense pleasure passed through my entire body as I shot streams of milky-white cum onto the floor a couple of feet away from me.  It was one of the best orgasms I had ever experienced.
Seeing me cum must have pushed Alix over too.   She yanked her hand out and furiously rubbed her clit.   She moaned and cried louder, breathing faster and faster.   Still only semi-removed from my orgasm, I turned just in time to catch her pussy explode with her juices.   They shot everywhere, like fireworks, on her hand, her thighs, her feet.   She was yelling like she had never experienced anything like this before.   Her orgasm must have lasted twenty seconds before she finally calmed down, her head resting against the counter, beads of sweat on her forehead.
"You're a fucking goddess," I murmured.   "How the fuck did you do that?"
"Fisting?" she asked.   "It's simple.   Just requires a lot of practice. "  She glanced at her watch.   "But I'll have to tell you how some other time.

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    We need to get going. "
"Going?"  A terrible thought crossed my mind.   What if we never saw each other again?  As if she could read my mind, Alix looked at me.
"I can give you my e-mail, silly," she said playfully.   "Keep in touch with me.   Who knows?  Maybe we can do this again sometime.   I know a lot more tricks I could show you. "
"I'd like that. "
"Until then, here. . . "  She reached out a hand.   She was holding her panties.   They were red, like a rose.   "I know it looks weird, but.

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  . . I want you to hold onto these until I see you again.   Wear them, jerk off in them, do whatever you want.   Just give them back to me later, okay?"
"Okay.   Do you, eh, want mine?"
"No thanks.   I appreciate it, but you don't have to give me anything. "  She was sliding her jeans on now.
"That's not fair.   If you give me something, I want to give you how about a kiss?"  She stared at me.   "Just one innocent little kiss.   I'm not trying to get sex or anything.   I just figured. . .

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  you know, a kiss. . . "  She hesitated, then smiled, leaned in, and kissed me once on the mouth.   We didn't french-kiss, and it only lasted a couple of seconds.   When she pulled back, it was slow.   I could still taste her wonderful cherry lipstick.
"Thank you," she said.   "I'll remember that.   Come on.   Let's get dressed, then I'll give you my e-mail. "
"Okay. "  We dressed in silence for a while.   It wasn't until I had put her panties on that I thought of something.
"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

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"Sure. "
"If you were into guys, would you fuck me?"  She looked at me, as if she was sizing me up.
"Yeah, I guess so.   Why?"
"No reason.   I was just curious, that's all. "
"Would you want to fuck me if I was interested?"
"In a second," I replied in about that time.
When we were fully dressed, she turned off her lighter and tiptoed up to the door.   She eased it open slightly.
"Okay, it's clear," she whispered.   "Come on. "  I followed her out, closed the door, and slid the lock in place.   Then she did a strange thing.   She reached out and took one of my hands in hers.   I looked at her.   She shrugged.

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    Hand in hand, we got back on the path and walked back towards our bunks.



























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