
Car Crash 7


“Want a change of subject?” Samantha asked.

“No, but I think the things I want and the things I need right now are very far apart from each other, so shoot,” Mark said.

“What just happened? One moment there I am having the best sex of my life and the next I’m surrounded by nothing and I hear your voice telling me to return to my body, what’s up with that?” she said.

“I told you this used to happen to me during sex,” Mark said. “Only not as strong, I have to admit. It’s when I always lost control and started blowing things up. ”

“But things didn’t blow up,” Samantha said. “Does that mean we can just go at it again now? I’d be up for that, you know. And you’re probably up for it as well, looking at the way you’re holding that blanket. ”

“Don’t even start,” Mark said, a pained grin on his face. “I think it’s because I wasn’t alone. You were there too and we helped each other find the way back. Don’t ask me how it worked, it just did. ”

“So that means we stopped each other from losing control, right? Doesn’t that mean you could control whatever energy we produce?” Samantha said. “I felt it too, you know, and I think we could do it. ”

“Maybe,” Mark mused.

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   “But you know for yourself how scary it all was, too. ”

“That’s true,” she said. “Still, it’s nagging at me to think that it might be possible. Sorry if I’m blunt, but I just can’t help it, you’re too damn hunky. ”

“And you’re the hottest woman I ever laid eyes on, but it’s too dangerous. We’re putting other people at risk with this too, I mean how irresponsible can you get?” Mark said.

“So you’re the responsible type?” Samantha said.

“On occasion,” Mark said, shrugging.

“Rawr,” Samantha purred.

“Stop that, seriously. I think we should both get some sleep, it’s still dark outside, you know,” he said.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep, do you?” she said.

“Probably not,” Mark said. “But what do you think we should…”

“Shhh,” Samantha interrupted him, suddenly very attentive to a sound she’d just noticed. “Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?” Mark asked.

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“Something like a low pitched screeching sound. There it is again!” Samantha said. Indeed there was a distinct sound coming from outside of the house now. “It sounds a bit like that Rachnos creature at the hotel, but way more low pitched. ”

For a few seconds, Mark closed his eyes to listen, then he took a deep breath.

“So, what is it?” Samantha asked, already guessing the answer, but not wanting to believe it.

“We’re in deep shit,” Mark said. “You’re right, it’s the cry of a Rachnos - a big one. You can feel it inside of you, like your body’s tearing apart. ” It was true, Samantha did feel queasy. It wasn’t as bad as how she’d felt when the Rachnos had screamed at her in the hotel room, but that was only because of the faintness of the sound. It was coming closer and louder now, and she was becoming less and less comfortable.

“Oh my god! Didn’t you say they only woke up once every few years or something?” Samantha said, now realizing what hearing such a cry actually meant.

“I kind of told you a little fib about that,” Mark said, staring at his feet now.

“Why would you lie about that?” she asked.

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“I didn’t want to freak you out more than you already were. ”

“Now that’s just great! What now?”

“It’ll come for us, of course. And I don’t have enough power to fight it, I’m still all spent from the flight,” Mark said.

“So what’re we gonna do?” she said.

“Best bet is to run, I guess. If we can make it back to Brooklyn Bridge I think we’ll be able to lose it,” he said.

“Wrong answer. ”

“What, you have a better idea?”

“Better than running back into the arms - legs, whatever, of that other thing that’s been chasing us? Yes, I think so,” she said.

“Well, tell me, I don’t think we have a lot of time to discuss this,” he said.

“Fuck me,” Samantha said.

“What?” Mark said.

“Fuck me, now. Just do it and don’t ask questions!” Samantha said with urgency in her voice now, something every man would’ve been happy to hear. So was Mark. When he saw the determined look in Samantha’s eyes, he didn’t ask any more questions.

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   He tore away both of their blankets.

When they embraced again, their minds and bodies were still attuned to each other and Samantha felt as if Mark was wrapping himself all around her. The glorious feeling she had had when touching him before was starting to come back, and she was determined to enjoy herself despite the Rachnos’s screams drawing closer and the possibility of them leveling New York to the ground. This man’s body was the stuff of legends, and what he did to her was so good she felt like a love goddess herself.

His fingers were moving all about her and her hands were on his body as they passionately kissed, soon losing all rhyme or reason again and melting into each other like two ice cubes on a hot summer’s day. Mark’s tongue danced like fire against Samantha’s and they churned each other’s furnaces on to burn hotter and hotter as they went on with their movements. Their kiss became fiercer and Samantha gave a soft moan of pleasure, which made Mark react by removing his lips from hers and starting to softly bite her earlobes. It made her shiver with excitement.

Cupping her breasts in his hands Mark massaged them furiously as he left little bite marks on Samantha’s neck and earlobes, making her long for him so much she wouldn’t be able to control herself for much longer. She took his penis into her hand and moved his foreskin up and down while cupping his balls in her other hand. As she felt his shivers she soon started to shiver herself along with him, as if the excitement he was feeling was hers as well, and at the same time, as if her excitement was the same as his. She knew what it meant now. Both their minds were starting to connect, but far from being freaked out by this, it turned Samantha on all the more. It was this wonderful way for the two of them to become one, to be as close as no two people on this Earth had been before.

The longing for such ecstasy was growing steadily, but this time it wasn’t her but Mark who could no longer stop himself.

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   He moved her onto her back effortlessly with his strong arms and parted her legs.

“I’m coming in,” he said with an urgent need in his voice.

“Please do,” Samantha said, unable to keep her own voice from trembling,

The horrible screams of the Rachnos were coming closer and closer now, but Samantha didn’t hear them anymore and neither did Mark. All their attention was on the connection they were going to make, and this time they both knew there was no going back. It was a miracle that they’d managed to stop going at it before, trying to do the same thing again would be a lost battle from the beginning. Their longing for each other was beyond their control now, and they knew it completely.

Slowly but with determination Mark parted Samantha’s labia and eased his much neglected cock inside of her. Samantha almost screamed, it felt so good, even better than when he’d entered her before. She felt him move in and out of her slowly at first, then faster and faster. She was so wet that Mark hardly had to exert any effort at all when coming and going, and all that was left on either of their minds was the pure, unadulterated pleasure of it all.

While his strong muscles were pumping at a steady pace, Mark moved closer to her and cupped her breasts in his hands again, moving in to kiss her. How he did this without squashing her, Samantha didn’t know, but because of the kiss along with all the other experiences that Mark was giving her body, she was hardly in the mood to think about such logistics. She started feeling weightless from all the sensations coming in, but this time she stayed in her own mind, taking it all in instead of floating away because of the power of it all. She felt as if Mark was holding her in place, while she held him at the same time. There was nothing now that could keep them apart, nothing at all.

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   Samantha began feeling the warmth of not just her own, but both of their bodies as they lifted off from the tiny bed and continued thrusting into each other in mid-air.

She would have wondered if that had been Mark’s doing, but they were both so close to each other now that such wondering wasn’t needed. She knew. It wasn’t just Mark who was doing it, it was her as well, pushing the both of them in the air in a position that guaranteed even more pleasure, instinctively knowing what to do. When the angle of Mark’s entry changed, Samantha gasped and her breathing became even faster. No man should ever be able to do such things to a woman, it gave him too much power, but then, Mark was hardly in control. His whole body was shaking as well and his moans and gasps mixed in with Samantha’s as they reached even greater heights towards a level of sensation that neither of them could even begin to fathom.

The roof of the little shack they were in was ripped off and the Rachnos they’d seen hanging at the side of the skyscraper when they’d flown here from Manhatten stared at the two of them with its horrible, pitch-black eyes. But Samantha and Mark didn’t stop, they hardly noticed the thing as the energy was building up inside them. They were almost there and nothing could stand in the way of their shared climax. Before the Rachnos could do anything but stare at them, both Samantha and Mark screamed out in pleasure as their muscles contracted and they both came at exactly the same time, both of them feeling the other’s orgasm along with their own.

And then, time stopped. .

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