
An Expatriates Young Love (Chap 5)



We both napped for a bit after our lovemaking, huddled together, holding each other in our intertwined limbs. When I woke I tried to get up without disturbing Anita but once again didn’t quite succeed.

“Do not go Popi, it is nice to hold you,” she said.

“It was nice holding you as well dear, but I need to use the bathroom, shower and start supper,” I replied.

“Popi I do supper, that is my job and I must do it or you’ll not want me no more,” she said with mock seriousness.

Playing her game, I said “Well, that’s true, you do have to pull you weight here and you haven’t done much of your work the last two days. You’ve just laid in bed or the hammock; maybe the job is too much for a little girl like you. I should look for a real woman to help me here. ”

I guess I was a bit too serious looking because she looked panicked at what I said. I needed to fix it, and fast.

I put on a big smile, “But you do have some other skills I learned about yesterday and today. I’m pretty sure your better then an old widow lady at those. I will keep you I guess.
Anita smiled and threw a pillow at me laughing.

“Get up sleepyhead, we need to change the sheets, clean ourselves and get some food cooking,” I said.

With that I pulled the sheet off her in one fast tug causing her to scream and curl up out of reflex, not being used to being naked in front of me yet.

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We stripped the bed together and put it in the washer. Then went to get a shower.

Unlike the typical hacienda in this area, I had the home built with a pressure tank and hot water lines. We still had a cistern for emergencies, but the home has a deep well with plenty of pressure. The hot water heater took some doing, as the builders hadn’t seen an inline unit supplying endless hot water before. I never regretted the headaches that installation caused and having to bring in a plumber from San Pedro Sula to finally get everything right. Most native homes did not hot water and those that did used an electric showerhead. I never was comfortable showering with an electrical line in the stall with me. I also had the shower built larger than usual. My wife’s illness did not let her stand for long at times and the larger shower allowed her to sit in a chair comfortably and bathe.

Now I found out it was also very comfortable for two.

As I stood under the hot water, letting it loosen some muscles I hadn’t used much in recent years, Anita entered to join me.

“My job now is too wash you like the dishes and clothes,” she said with a smile as she took up the loofah and soap in her hands.

The roughness of the loofah felt wonderful on my back, arms and legs as she washed me. Then the softness of her hands was even better and she rubbed soap on my chest, down my belly and then encircled my cock.

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   She slowly stroked me hard telling me that I must be clean all over. I was actually amazed that I was able to cum again as my little girl milked me directing my load of cum onto her tits and then rubbing it in like a skin cream.

Kissing her in the afterglow, I took the soap from her and began rubbing rich lather on her body. I took a little extra time on her breasts before turning her around and soaping her back and legs. Then I rubbed my soapy hands over her buttocks, they we still small and lacked the defining shape of a woman, but they were firm and round nonetheless.

I slipped my hands between her legs and washed her tiny slit, being gentle as she was most likely still tender from losing her cherry a few hours before. As I pulled back I let my fingers slid between her butt cheeks and then back down. Anita gasped as my index finger traced over her rosebud. I slowly circled it as Anita mewed softly, then gasped, eyes opening wide when I pressed one finger inside her anus.

She didn’t say anything, I’m pretty sure she was confused by what her mind told her was wrong while her body enjoyed the new sensation.

I slowly worked my finger in and out of her opening while she purred and pressed back, matching my timing. When my second knuckle popped past her muscle ring, she said “no stop, mas” and I knew she was loving this and would be just as happy in a few days when my finger was replaced with my cock.

As I said earlier, my cock is small and that always seemed like a handicap but it did have advantages. Being small made anal sex far more enjoyable and a great deal less painful. That was going to be especially important with a small girl like Anita.

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   But that would come later.

For now my finger was doing just fine and Anita was truly enjoying these new sensations as my finger fucked her ass while I whispered encouragement into her ears. My tempo had increased and I pounding hard into her and she was meeting every thrust with her own.

Her mews had become screams of passion and she approached another orgasm and then dwindled as she came back down.


Panting and leaning against the wall, Anita smiled and reached out to me. I stepped in and hugged her, kissing her deeply as the hot waters pelted our skin and ran down our bodies.

That evening Anita made us a wonderful supper of fresh Tilapia, a chayote squash salad and tostones. We had bowls of freshly sliced tropical fruits and cream for dessert, feeding each other the pieces.

We made love again that night, tender and loving, slow and passionate before drifting off to sleep under a clear blanket of stars.

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