
Reset: A New Beginning


The plague had spread around the world before it was diagnosed because it had no symptoms of it's own. It caused a steep rise in cases of cancer and other diseases by corrupting key gene sequences unique to humans. It had been created as a weapon in a commercial lab and a single technician became infected without detection. There were rumours of a cure being developed but I chose what I considered the safest odds. When I had been turned into a popsicle, they estimated that half the population of the world had been infected and were waiting to die. I stayed awake for hours thinking about where I had come from and about where I awoke into. In the morning, nurses were indifferent to see me conscious. They were soon followed by a series of doctors. It was remarkable to see how young and attractive they all were. Many of them appeared to be almost teenagers except that they all acted professionally. When one of the doctors entered, I recognized her from the first time I awoke in this century. "Good morning. ", said Doctor Erikson, as I was reminded of her name later. "Good century. ", I answered and was relieved to see a doctor as old as myself. She explained, "Mr.

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   Johnson, you are only one of a handful we decided to remove from cryogenic suspension. Most of the others were to old to be useful. "She went on to say that I had been thawed out for several months and had gone through several operations due to complications from the cryogenics. I had been maintained in an artificial coma. The doctor also mentioned that the plague had disappeared a hundred years ago but they didn't want to thaw any of those like myself in case we carried the virus. Apparently, those who survived were the descendents of a mere twelve thousand in 20 cities around the world. The disease only affected humans so they treated it by combining genes from Benobo chimpanzees. They also made some genetic changes that slowed the aging process and extended lifespan to one hundred healthy years. The doctor informed me that one of the reasons I was brought back was to restore the original human genes into the population. At the time, I assumed that meant more needles or my dick getting plugged into a milking machine. Doctor Erikson warned that society had changed and that I may be shocked. She quickly left before I had a chance to open my mouth. Of course, I would need to close it first. Who I really wanted to see was my accountant. I wondered if he got froze too.

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   That afternoon, Jim, as he introduced himself, explained that he was to reacquaint me into society. I asked him about my money and he told me that the currency had changed after the plague and that I no longer had any money but that I shouldn't worry. "What about my business?", I asked. "There really isn't a need for real estate any more. ", he explained, "There is a lot more houses than people and we just live where we need to". "So what the fuck am I supposed to do?", I emphasized. Jim grinned and said, "You're gonna have fun. Nothin weird. We‘ll take care of you". "I'll see you tomorrow and we'll get you outa here", Jim continued, "You can ask me more then". For the rest of the day, I was in a dumbfounded state, not knowing who I was anymore. I began to notice how friendly the nurses were. They all smiled warmly and looked directly into my eyes. It made me uncomfortable but it also made my dick stand to attention every time. It hadn't reacted like that even when I was a teenager.

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   I began to wonder if they had been putting Viagra in my apple sauce. Then again, they were all so young and beautiful. Not one had any flaws to speak of. It was sort of like being in one of those soap operas. I made small talk about what life is like in this century. They still used cars, they had farmers and plumbers and grocery stores. Most people worked at service jobs such as the nurses or repairing all the old houses and cars. There was so much left over from before the plague that just about everything except for food and gas were nearly free. The currency was now called "credits" and was essentially just debit cards. The only taxes were part of every transaction. Governments only existed on the municipal level. There is no more United States or even states and there seems little need for them. Television was still around but it was all local news and pre-plague reruns. I laughed when one of the nurses mentioned Gilligans Island. Life seemed simpler and happier but there were some disturbing changes.

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   I asked one nurse if she was married and she said that she has three husbands and that each one of her husbands has several wives. I asked if they descended from equal rights Mormons. She answered that it was necessary. She didn't look old enough to be married at all so I asked. She said that she was 33 years old and had six children. We continued talking. Her name was Brenda and I tried flattering her on her youthful appearance. She appeared to offended momentarily but stayed with me. Abruptly, she looked down along the bed to my crotch and asked, "Doesn't that hurt by now". I had been trying to hide my erection but apparently unsuccessfully. I said, "Kinda". She pulled the sheets back, lifted my hospital gown and began to massage my dick before I could say a word. That word would have been "Yes". I was so glad hospitals became full service. I reached forward, grabbed her uniform and pulled her closer.

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   She showed no signs of objection so I started to undo the buttons on her blouse and was scared if the monkey genes had made her hairy. They didn’t. Her skin was as smooth and soft as I have ever touched. I thought to myself that I'm just a patient and can't get in trouble for this. To my surprise, she continued the undressing until she stood only in her panties and shoes. She looked even younger in the nude. Her breasts were large but still looked not quite ripe as though they had evaded gravity. I thought they must be silicone or whatever they are using now. At this point, I didn't think it would go any further and was more than satisfied at the way it was working out. However, I wasn't disappointed as Brenda stepped out of her shoes, slid off her panties and climbed onto the bed. She straddled my hips and rubbed her already wet pussy along the shaft of my dick several times. It was as if it had it own fingers as her pussy grabbed and lifted my dick. Eventually she pulled it into her. I was having trouble believing this was happening but wouldn't let that get in the way of my enjoyment. I grabbed her tits with both hands and squeezed.

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   They didn't feel fake. Brenda had this gyrating motion that rubbed her ass around my balls and made me feel every inch of modestly sized dick. I didn't last long and Brenda climbed off and got dressed quickly. It seemed that she was merely providing a service. I wondered if my insurance would cover it. The next day, Jim showed up bright and early with some casual clothes for myself. I gloated about having sex with one of the nurses. Jim asked if it was Liz and said that she had this trick with her tongue while he was waiting for me to wake up. We walked out onto the quiet but not quite deserted streets. He explained that he was a history and electrical professor and was responsible for maintaining the local phone system. Jim had as many questions for me as I had for him. He was most curious about the twenty-first century but asked me what I knew about besides real estate. I was humbled by my answer. Jim suggested that I could work for the city government or do resourcing. The dozen or so people we saw were either walking or on bicycles.

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   Most of them didn't look old enough to drive. Only one car passed by on the 4 blocks we walked to the restaurant. I didn't recognize the city but it had hi-rises in the distance. Jim said it was Atlanta and that few people lived downtown anymore. The buildings looked run down and the streets were dirty. "Why me?", was my first question, "Why do you need my genes"?"Let's get lunch", was his answer. I followed him into the restaurant and ordered coffee but they didn't have any. I realized that this isn't going to be paradise. Jim talked about how the genetic alterations of mankind had affected them. The ones chosen for survival were the most physically, intellectually and genetically secure. They didn't want congenital diseases passed forward into the select few chosen to regenerate the species. Before the end of the plague, everyone left were tested. Any flaw worse than lactose intolerance eliminated them from a future. Billionaires and even the President could only have themselves frozen in hope that someone would thaw them. The slowed down aging process made for what I thought of as children that were emotionally and intellectually mature.

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   On the other hand, people didn’t degrade so much in their later years. Instead, their hearts or other organs would just quit. The splicing of chimpanzee genes had an unpredicted side effect and as a result of all this, family and society had to adapt. Jim informed me that it is hoped that my genes along with those of the other thawed out ones, will help return normal lives to their society. After a minute or so of considering what this meant for me, I asked, "What side affects"?Jim shifted in his chair, looked at the table, and choked on his words, "Well, you see, it's libido". He looked up at me as I started to grin. "No, seriously . . . ", he addedI interrupted, "Hey, I've been horny as hell. Did they fuck with my genes"?Jim defended that my genes were not changed but that I had surgery to help me keep up, so to speak. He went on to say that I will have to adapt as well. Things that might have been immoral in my time are necessary now. He said that sex will be offered like a handshake was in my century and it is considered rude and stupid to decline. "Just to be polite", Jim continued, "women will offer themselves and you will be expected to do the same".

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  "Sounds good to me", I assured him, in confidence of my enhanced ability. I wished they made it larger while they were down there. "Not just that", Jim said,” but they physically and emotionally need it. Especially adolescents going through puberty. Otherwise, they hurt and can get sick". "You mean like 14 year olds"? I asked. Jim hesitated, "Ya, but 14 isn't quite what it used to be. Often, the mind is willing before the flesh is ready". "Not sure if I can do that. That's kind of . . . . . .

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   sick", I said as diplomatically as I could while my stomach turned. "Not here. Not now", Jim respondedI looked up for the waitress, embarrassed to see if she had heard our conversation. "Come on, let's go", Jim said in a louder voice, "There's a friend's place where we can spend the night". We walked for hours as Jim explained the etiquette of sex in public and about how rape is virtually nonexistent as well as any other crime. He talked about striving to maintain levels of education in the diminished population just to try to hold on to pre-plague achievements. He asked me a hundred questions about what it was like before the plague. He mourned the current state of families; how fathers migrate and how children leave the nest to fend themselves. Most kids get to spend some more years in college but many must find "supporters" until they physically mature. I asked him what it's like to teach at a college. He laughed and told me that I'm not ready for that. We reached a typical suburban house and knocked on the door. I heard the generator running in the back. The door opened and I was breathless at the site of a beautiful blonde teenager and then thought that she might be older than me. My dick twitched and I tried to avoid thinking about her.


   She beamed a smile and said, "Hi Jim, this must be Mr. Johnson". I responded, "Call me Mike. I'm happy to meet you". I looked away as I she gazed into my eyes, feeling guilty about my arousal. "And call me Linda", she answered, puzzled at my response. I looked back to see Linda and Jim share a nod and a smile that expressed that they had arranged this and must forgive me for my backwardness. I must appear quaint to them. In my day, looking at a woman the way she looked at me would have scared them. I wished that I would get to spill my genes in Linda. "Just making dinner. Come on in". Linda said , turning around. We followed her right back into the kitchen where Linda introduced me to her youngest daughter, Elle, who looked about ten years old years old in my terms, maybe eleven. I never had any children and never paid much attention to them.

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   I dismissed my thought that I would be expected to "perform" with a girl that wasn't even old enough to know about sex. Elle was very polite and articulate and cute as her mother was beautiful but was eager to show Jim something and soon dragged him out of the room by the hand. "She's gonna be a heartbreaker", I mentioned and wondered if I had made another social faux pas as Linda just grinned. "Your husband going to join us"? I asked, checking out her teardrop shaped ass. "Haven't seen any of them for weeks but Dianne, my other daughter should be home soon", Linda answered. We continued with small talk for a few minutes about her job and she asked how things had changed. As I was talking, she led us back into the living room. I was shocked to see Jim, completely naked, pounding into the equally naked little girl from behind. I wanted to violently tear them apart but remembered that I am a "stranger in a strange land". I looked at the drawn expression on Linda's face until she looked back at me and smiled. "I’m so proud", she surprised me . ” She knows how to treat a guest. I'm sorry, I should have offered you something". I was so dazed at the situation that I could not answer right away, I was aroused and repulsed at the same time and I felt like a child on the first day of school. ` Eventually I answered, "Not right now .

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  . . . but thanks for the offer. . . . maybe later". Linda smiled and asked, "How about a beer"?I led the way back into the kitchen. Until dinner, I remained only semi-conscious. I could answer questions but not initiate any. Dianne came home and I greeted her as though I were sleep walking. My mind was trying to come to terms with my situation. My morals were obsolete. I accepted their behaviour but doubted if my morals could be changed.

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   They were engrained as part of who I am, or so I thought. We all sat and ate a nice dinner and I answered question after question about my era. They were amazed at the idea of wealth and poverty and lawyers. The young girls were surprisingly articulate and charming. Dianne was at the age where she was just developing from a child to a woman. I guess that would be about 13 or 14 years old as I was familiar. I hadn't figured out the math to convert ages yet but knew that it was not as simple as multiplying by two. It was easy to accept that Dianne was much more mature than she looked and she looked great. In my day, a girl like her would have been a dangerous fantasy. My mind was racing at the possibilities of this new century and wondered if I should just ask to fuck or wait for her to initiate. I learned that Dianne was a post grad at the college where Jim works. She also taught math at high school and helped repair water mains when needed. Elle explained what resourcing was like. I was beginning to feel inadequate and that was new for me. Elle slipped under the table and it struck me as more childish than she behaved.

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   Moments later, I felt her hand on my crotch but acted as if nothing was happening in front of her mother. She unzipped and unbuckled my jeans and my dick became hard and throbbed under her stoking hand. She struggled to pull down my underwear so I lifted myself in my chair. I scanned the faces around the table only to see them either oblivious or indifferent to what was happening below. I tried to remain in the conversation but my face became contorted as I felt warm lips, cool air and saliva on my dick. This continued for minutes and I was just about to cum when Elle suddenly stopped. I was both disappointed and relieved that I hadn't blown my load in front of my hosts. I figured that Elle had moved on to Jim as I heard rustling under the table. I was surprised to feel her light body crawling over my legs and looked down to see a tiny round ass bent over my lap. My head shot back as she guided my dick to her pussy. I pushed into her tight hot hole and it grabbed over me like a vice. Linda saw my expression and leaned sideways to see. Linda grinned and said, "Wish I was that limber". I lost my feelings of guilt and indulged myself in the moment. I grabbed those little hips and thrust into that pussy with total abandon of my surroundings.

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   Elle managed to rotate around in a gymnastic manoeuvre that only a little girl could manage and we were facing each other. We kissed passionately and I slid the chair back to give us some room. I grabbed her ass with both hands and it was so small that my fingers crossed. I lifted her up on my dick as though she were weightless and rocked into her. The friction between us slowed me down more than her weight. I returned to reality for a moment to see Dianne shifted close to Jim. Her arm was making jerking movements and I knew that Jim was getting a hand job under the table. They seemed to enjoying the show. I reached one arm onto the table behind Elle and cleared the plates. Then I stood up and with her still impaled on me and her arms around my neck and leaned her back onto the table. She let go of my neck and I leaned back. Her pussy was at just the right height for me to stand up. I looked at her tiny naked body and was amazed that I could fit in her but there I was with her hairless, tiny lipped pussy engorged with my dick. It seemed as surreal as a dream but I knew that it was reality that had changed. Elle's tiny chest was completely flat but my hands were drawn to those pink nipples that I squeezed between my fingers.

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   She continued to look me in the eyes with a expression of passion that I have rarely seen. I wanted to be the best lover she ever had or will ever have. On the other side of the table, I could see Dianne's head bobbing above Jim's lap. I saw Linda beaming with pride. She smiled back at me and looked as though she couldn't be any happier. I felt Elle's pussy twitch around me and it was like a massage that made me cum in harmony. I pulled out with a pop from her grip and laughed. I was spent emotionally but physically charged. I helped Elle up and she kissed me affectionately before leaving to clean up. I pulled my pants back up, sat down and told Jim, "You know, I could get used to this". Jim responded, "Nice to have a job you enjoy, ain't it". The next few hours were spent chatting and watching an old, even by my standards, DVD. I felt close to them like I was an uncle, except my dick kept reminding me of how much I wanted to fuck them. Their eyes looked into me rather than at me. Linda seemed to get even better looking every time I looked at her and the girls were sexier than they had any right to be.

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   I learned that this was only part of the family. There were six more brothers and sisters. Linda offered to let me stay as long as I needed. At some point during the night, each of the girls had changed into nightshirts. Elle said that it was her bedtime and asked Jim, in a seductive tone, if he wanted to read her a story. As they left for her room, I considered how twisted this was, but in a good way. Dianne looked to me and said, "Mike, I could use a story, too". Linda jumped in, "Why don't we both give you a story". Dianne opened her arms and Linda slid over on the couch and hugged her. They kissed gently at first, but became much more passionate as their hands explored each other. Linda cupped Dianne's small, developing breast and Dianne rubbed between Linda's legs through her nightshirt. Soon, Linda leaned up and removed her nightshirt. She was completely nude and her body was as fine as I had ever seen. Her breasts neither small or large but were perfectly shaped and her ass was taut and muscular. Linda reached down and pulled Dianne's shirt over her head.

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   Dianne was only slightly more matured than her sister but her hips were wider and there was a tuft of hair above crack of her pussy. Her tits were so high on her chest that any higher and they would be hanging off her chin. They both turned to look at me and I realized that my job is not a spectator sport. I stripped and knelt in close to them. My first priority just happened to be the only thing available. I grabbed and squeezed Linda's ass. I kissed it and bit it. Linda giggled and lifted herself on her daughter so that her thigh rubbed against Dianne's pussy. Dianne grinded herself on her mothers leg and licked her mother breasts. My tongue found it's way into Linda's wet pussy. For some reason I have never wanted to please a woman as much as I have today. I was always more concerned with my own pleasure. Perhaps I've matured over the past century. Perhaps I just appreciated the gift given to me. After a while, Linda had to remind me, "Come on baby, I need you inside".

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  As I slid my dick in and out of that wonderful wet warmth, I considered the scene below me. I would have considered it bizarre but it was just so beautiful and so loving that I couldn't help but blow my load. I fell back down on the couch and, before I could catch my breath, Dianne crawled on top of me. She kissed me so passionately that we almost suffocated. When we broke to breathe, I pulled her forward and sucked on her budding tits. They were amazingly soft except for the nipples which I rolled my tongue around. Linda guided my dick between Dianne's legs and licked us both as we took turns pumping. I preferred to pump fast and rhythmically but she had this slow and hard motion that rolled up and down her entire body and slammed on to me. Dianne’s little tits rubbed against my face but I focused on my incredible feeling of my dick inside her. I thought of it like Goldilocks and the three bears. Elle and Linda were great but Dianne's pussy was just right. We could be still and her muscles sucked me better than any blowjob. I didn't want to stop so I held off cumming again for as long as I could. Dianne had two body shaking orgasms already but was determined to get mine. Occasionally, I could feel that Linda had her finger inside Dianne's ass.

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   I was shocked when she did the same to me but more so that I enjoyed it. Dianne was getting tired on top so we flipped over with Linda inverted beside us. I guess that would be called a 669. Both Dianne's and my own tongue battled for Linda's pussy. The heat of all of us packed onto that couch and the passion had us sweating and our bodies slipped against each others as if covered in oil. I got lost amidst the arms, legs and other body parts and could not tell the girls apart. One of them massaged my dick as I cummed and I my whole body shook in what must have looked like an epileptic fit. I fell to the side, still having aftershocks and watched them lick each other clean. Waking up on the couch alone, I smiled as I remembered where I was. The pungent smell of sex was still in my nose. I pinched myself, thinking that I was still in a dream. I was about to slap myself but I didn't want the dream to end. After finding my clothes, I headed for the bathroom. Jim was on his cell phone in the dining room. He told me, "Take a shower and we'll go for a walk.


   You got a job to do". Author's note: I have told the story I wanted to tell and consider it finished. However, I realize that I have prepared quite fertile groundwork where imagination can be almost unlimited. It would be selfish to reserve and not utilize a promising concept. I invite anyone to continue this theme, especially those who get writer's block after ". . . found my sister masturbating". .
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Escort Girl Heraklion comes with an unlimited reserve of adult escort ladies, see the full list of advantages in case you are intending to travel to this region. Find out the best ways to hookup gorgeous girls at Greekescorts., In Your Benefit, For Unique Intimate Moments

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Whether you are looking for a hookup from Escort News or Escorts Heraklion, which are the most popular ones in this country, or a hookup in any of the other big cities that have this service available, you will most certainly want to know the most important news on how to enjoy the best intimate moments and the best prices.
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In order to meet with the sexiest chicks and be sure you will receive the best moments, our escort service will give you tons of filtering options and customization tools so that you can explore for your favorite woman with ease. That way, you will have bigger odds of seeing the right type of chick that can fulfill your dreams, without having to search for her and lose priceless time doing that. Keep in mind, any of the listed dolls at Εσκορτ Θεσσαλονίκη will be here to fulfill your desires no matter what. In fact, these escorts are happy and always aroused, always set to offer the best quantity of lust and intimacy so that you can feel amazing.

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We work continuously to hire the best Escort Girls Greece babes on our app. We handpick each and everyone so that we can be confident they meet the highest standards. Therefore, we can guarantee that these babes will make you feel perfect the moment they will pass your AirBNB room door. Not to mention that Greeceescorts offers a massive search for all visitors in a large number of cities everywhere in the country. Regardless where you will be situated, be it in the finandical capital city or in other cities, you will always enjoy the chance of date the sexiest ladies with just a few quick clicks. The huge number of visits our site makes a month is best proof that these dolls are the naughtiest deal.