
Hidden Cove - Part 2


Chapter 4
At about the same time Jessie was meeting Alyssa at the mall, a beat up old Chevy pickup pulled into the marina and parked in the dirt parking lot. Mike Jenkins, a tall athletic, sandy-haired nineteen year old got out of the driver’s seat. The passenger door swung open with a loud creak.
Rick Markham climbed out and looked out over the pristine lake, already busy with weekend boat traffic. He was a couple of inches shorter than Mike at five foot nine and weighed a little less than Mike’s well-muscled one hundred and ninety-pound frame. Unlike Mike’s short, nearly blonde hair, Rick’s was a darker brown and fell to his shoulders.
"There she is!" Mike said, pointing to a beat up old twelve foot aluminum boat in one of the berths.
Rick squinted and looked hard at it. It was mostly an olive drab color, but the paint was peeling off in large sections and he could see from the truck where it had been patched in at least two places. There was an even more decrepit looking outboard motor hanging from the stern.
Rick frowned as he began helping Mike unload their gear from the bed of the truck. "Think we’ll get there without sinking?" He shot Mike a bemused look, feigning concern. "Or at the very least, rowing?"
Mike laughed and hefted the tent and a large duffle bag effortlessly from the truck. "Don’t worry. She’s shipshape! Don’t let the looks fool you!" They started hauling their gear to the dock and loaded it into the tired looking old boat. Rick brought along his guitar and placed it carefully among the bags so it wouldn’t get wet or damaged.

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   Mike climbed into the stern and Rick stepped gingerly into the center of the boat.
"If this tub sinks and ruins my guitar I’m gonna be pissed!" he exclaimed. Mike rolled his eyes and patted the crusty old motor affectionately.
"Will you please stop insulting my boat?" he said, poking Rick with an oar. Rick pushed it back at him and double checked their gear, paying special attention to his guitar.
"Just as soon as we get there, dry and in one piece!" he replied with a grin. Mike pretended to be insulted, then they both laughed.
"Too bad Mark couldn’t make it," Rick said, then added "But I sure hope his sister and her friends show up!"
Mark and Mike had been best friends since grade school. Rick worked with Mike at the meat packing plant and they had all become good friends. The three of them had planned a fishing trip to the cove that weekend, but Mark had a chance to go to a college lecture and decided to back out. They were going to postpone the trip until Mark let it slip that Jessie, Alyssa, and Stacy might go since they weren’t using the campsite. Rick had met Jessie at Mark’s house a few times and thought she was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. Her friends Stacy and Alyssa were hot, too. After Mark had left, Rick talked Mike into going anyway, hoping the girls would show up and he’d get the chance to get to know Jessie better. It didn’t take much convincing.

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Mike sat at the back of the boat and dropped the motor into the water. After many pulls and a few choice words, the motor finally coughed to life and they idled out of the marina. Mike noticed the Collins’ boat still tied up at its berth, but noted the red fuel tank was in it, meaning someone was planning to use it soon. They pulled out into the lake and made their way to the campsite, arriving a few hours before the girls.
The bow of the boat scraped onto the pebble beach as Mike eased into the mouth of the creek and cut the motor.
"Wow!" Rick exclaimed, looking around. "This is a really nice spot!"
"Yup," Mike replied as he tipped the motor forward out of the water. "And not many people know about it, so the fishing’s pretty good!"
Rick grinned as he stepped out onto the beach and pulled the bow of the boat a little further on shore. "Well, if the girls do show up, I doubt I’ll be doing much fishing!"
Mike chuckled as he tied off the bowline to a fallen tree. "You dog!" he muttered, shaking his head.
"Hey, now! No need to get nasty!" Rick tossed a sleeping bag toward Mike, catching him by surprise as he turned from tying off the line. "Just remember, I get first try with Jessie, ok?"
"Sure, sure," Mike replied with a sigh. He looked over at Rick, his face serious. "Just be nice to her. I’ve known her since she was four and she’s almost like a baby sister to me.

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   I don’t want her to get hurt. Understand?" He fixed Rick with a stern look.
Rick nodded, his expression becoming somber. "Relax. I’m just shootin’ the shit with you. " He looked out across the cove. "To be honest, I’ve been trying to work up the nerve to ask her out for a while now. But every time I see her, I just . . . lose it. I dunno," he added, looking down and shaking his head. He kicked nervously at some loose rocks, then looked back at Mike. "She makes me feel like a kid in junior high trying to get a date with the hottest girl in school. You know what I mean?"
Mike smiled and nodded.

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   "I know. She’s definitely a knockout. " Then he added, "But she’s also smart and has a great personality. And she plays guitar, too. There’s something you both have in common!"
Rick’s mouth twisted thoughtfully. "I didn’t know she played. "
Mike nodded and tossed his duffle bag ashore. "Just talk to her. I’m sure she’ll like you. "
Rick gave him a weak grin. "I’ll try, man. I’ll sure try!"
They finished unloading the boat and carried all their gear up to the campsite. No one was there and the campsite area was clean and well-ordered. There was a rock-ringed fire pit near the large slab of rock and lots of room for several tents on the soft pine needle floor. Two large logs lay on two sides of the fire pit, the bark long worn off from many people sitting on them.

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   A small pile of firewood lay nearby.
"We should gather up some more firewood and get the picnic table," Mike said as he dropped an armload of bags. "Then we’ll get the tents set up. "
An hour later, there was a good sized pile of firewood and the picnic table was set few yards from the fire pit. They had also retrieved the folding table and set it up with the camp stove on it. Mike had finished setting up the tent and was arranging his sleeping bag inside while Rick dug through the cooler for some cold beer. They sat down at the picnic table and he passed one to Mike.
"Wanna se if we can catch some supper while we wait?" Mike asked, taking a long pull from the bottle. Rick glanced at his watch.
"It’s already four-thirty. If the girls are coming, they’ll be along soon. "
Mike nodded in agreement. "You’re right. Tomorrow’s another day, right?" He held up his beer and Rick clinked his against it, then they took another swallow.
Mike stood up.

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   "I’m gonna go move the boat a little further up the creek. Out of sight. " Rick eyed him cooly.
"You want to hide from them?"
Mike laughed. "Naw! It’s sort of a tradition. You can’t see the camp from the water, but you can see the boat. We always move them just in case someone finds their way in here. "
"Ahhhh," Rick said, taking another drink. "You need a hand?"
Mike shook his head and waved him off. "It’ll only take a minute!" He disappeared down the path toward the beach. He returned a few minutes later and they busied themselves putting the rest of the camp together. Mike gave Rick the grand tour, showing him the paths to the waterfall and the outhouse.
Around six o’clock, they heard the sound of an outboard motor start up at the far end of the cove. Rick climbed up on some smaller rocks and peered over the large rock that blocked the camp from the lake.
"Boat coming!" he yelled excitedly.

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   "Looks like . . . three people. And at least one . . . no, two bikinis!" He jumped down, grinning like an idiot.
"Down, boy!" Mike scolded with a grin. "You go drooling all over them and they’ll turn around and head for home!" Rick continued grinning and held up two fingers in the Boy Scout salute.
"I’ll behave! Scouts’ honor!"
"You were never a Boy Scout!" Mike laughed, shaking his head.
"Aw, hell!" Rick replied with a toothy grin. "You know what I mean!"
The buzz of the little outboard grew louder as they approached, then cut out as they glided onto the beach. Mike and Rick started down the path to meet them. Mike reached out and grabbed Rick’s arm, stopping him in his tracks.

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"Now remember. Act surprised. We didn’t know they were coming, right?" Rick nodded. They walked up to them just as Alyssa was tying the bowline to the same tree Mike had used earlier.
Chapter 5
"Well! Look who’s here!" Mike exclaimed as Stacy and Jessie were stepping out to help Alyssa pull the boat further onto the beach. The girls all turned and looked in surprise at the two handsome guys walking toward them.
Jessie spoke up. "Mike! Rick! What are you doing here?!" She hugged Mike and glanced shyly at Rick. "Hi, Rick. " Rick mumbled a greeting, once again feeling like a lovesick schoolboy in her presence.
"Hi, Alyssa!" Mike said, hugging the busty brunette. Then his eyes settled on Stacy. She looked incredible! She had replaced her khaki hiking shorts, but still only had on her white bikini top, revealing a good portion of cleavage. Her blue eyes met his and he smiled warmly. "Hi, Stacy.

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Stacy held his gaze for a few seconds, then said quietly, "Hi, Mike. Nice to see you again. " She’d had a crush on him since the first time they’d met at Jessie’s when she first moved to town, a year and a half earlier. But there was an age difference. Mike was seventeen at the time and she was barely fifteen, a shy, skinny kid with only small bumps for breasts. It had seemed insurmountable then, but now. . . who knew? She wasn’t the same skinny, flat-chested kid anymore. She pulled her gaze from his blue eyes and began unloading the boat, aware of his eyes watching her.
Jessie looked at them, her hands on her hips. "I thought you guys were going to wait until Mark could come?"
Mike shrugged, pulling his eyes from Stacy’s sexy butt and addressing Jessie. "We were. But I’ve been telling Rick about this place for months and he was anxious to see it and try the fishing. " Rick finally found his voice and spoke up.

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"He tells me even he can catch lots of fish here. I figured they must be practically jumping into the boat!" He grinned and elbowed Mike, who pushed him away.
"Get bent!"
Rick laughed and was pleased to see a smile on Jessie’s face.
Alyssa looked around at everyone. ‘This could be interesting’, she thought, smiling to herself. Then out loud, "So. . . . do you guys mind if we join you?" Jessie looked questioningly at Mike, while Stacy stared out over the water.
Mike glanced at Rick, who shrugged approvingly and tossed a pebble into the water.
"Of course we don’t mind!" he said with a smile. He looked at Jessie and Alyssa, then over to Stacy. "We’re all friends, right?"
"Great!" Jessie replied with a grin. She looked at Alyssa, then Stacy.


   "You guys mind hanging out with these two good-looking guys all weekend?"
Alyssa grinned and shook her head. "Nope, I don’t mind!"
Stacy blushed slightly, her eyes glancing quickly to Mike, then to Jessie. "No. . . . I mean, yeah . . . uh, sure. " She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Let’s stay. "
"Well, all right then!" Mike exclaimed and grabbed Rick’s arm. "C’mon! Let’s get their gear up to camp and set up their tent before it gets too dark!"
The guys began unloading their boat while the girls carried some of their gear up the path to the camp. Jessie winked at Alyssa when they were out if earshot of the guys.

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   "So, see anything you like down there, Stace?" Stacy’s face turned bright red. "Uh-huh! Thought so!" Jessie said as she and Alyssa started giggling.
Alyssa poked Jessie in the ribs. "I wouldn’t laugh too hard, Jess. I believe Rick was a little more than taken with you, too!" She grinned at her best friend.
"Really?" Jessie asked, blushing a little. "What makes you say that?"
They had arrived at the campsite and Alyssa dropped her duffle bag. "Well, uh, let’s see. . . " She put a finger to her chin and looked thoughtful, winking at Stacy. "Maybe it was the way he couldn’t take his eyes off you. " She paused, still looking thoughtful. "Or maybe it was the way he seemed to lose the ability to speak coherently around you, or maybe . .

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   . "
Jessie cut her off. "Ok, ok! That’s enough!"
She continued anyway. "And if I’m not mistaken, you seemed a little shy around him, too!"
"Alyssa!" Jessie cried, then smiled demurely. "Well, he is kinda cute!"
Alyssa pouted. " And poor little Alyssa has to sleep all alone tonight!"
"Alyssa!" they both cried and started throwing sleeping bags and pillows at her.
Just then, Rick and Mike came up the path, loaded down with gear and carrying the girl’s coolers stacked between them. They set the heavy coolers down and shrugged off the backpacks and other gear.
"That’s everything!" Mike said. "Rick moved your boat over next to mine. "
Jessie smiled at Rick. "Thanks, Rick," she said quietly.
He smiled back. "No problem," he replied, gazing into her bright green eyes. ‘Holy shit! She’s gorgeous!’ he thought.

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   They continued staring into each other’s eyes until Alyssa spoke up.
"Ahem . . . uh, shouldn’t we be starting supper?"
That broke their trance and Jessie turned to Alyssa. "Good idea! I’m starving!"
Jessie and Alyssa started preparing supper while Mike and Rick helped Stacy with their large dome tent. After it was up, Mike stayed to help Stacy get their sleeping bags and pillows spread out. Rick wandered back to the ‘kitchen’.
"Anything I can do to help?" he asked. Jessie’s warm, friendly personality was helping him to feel more comfortable around her. Mike was right. She was really a great girl.
"We could use some water," Jessie replied, pointing to a large pot. "Do you know where the spring is?" He smiled and nodded.

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   Be right back!" He turned to go and Jessie watched his nicely formed butt as he wandered off down the path to the spring by the waterfall. After he was out of sight, she turned around and glanced over at Alyssa, who was grinning at her, her arms folded over her ample breasts.
"What?" Jessie asked, trying hard not to blush, but failing. "Are you gonna tell me that you didn’t look?"
Alyssa’s grin widened. "Oh, I looked! But you stared!"
Jessie’s cheeks reddened even more. "Too obvious?" she said with a sheepish grin.
Alyssa scrunched up her face and held up her hand, her thumb and forefinger a half inch apart.
"Just a little!" She moved closer and whispered, "You’re making me jealous!"
Jessie’s smile faded. "Alyssa . . . "
Alyssa held up a hand, the smile returning to her pretty face. "Relax. I’m only joking with you!"
Jessie set down the spatula she was using to flip the burgers and turned to her. Her face was solemn.

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"No. I don’t think you are. And we need to talk about what happened. " She glanced around to make sure they couldn’t be overheard. "I don’t want to hurt you, and besides. . . " She paused, gazing into Alyssa’s large brown eyes. "I really enjoyed . . . kissing you and . . . " She touched Alyssa’s arm.

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   "I’d like to . . . I dunno . . . try to . . . "
Alyssa smiled and put a finger to Jessie’s lips. "I know. Me, too. But don’t let that stop you from going after Rick, ok?"
Jessie frowned, her eyes searching Alyssa’s. "Are you sure? Because . .

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   . "
Alyssa nodded. "I’m sure," she said with a smile. "And besides," she added. "You could always share! I’m sure he’d be up for it!" She grinned broadly.
"Alyssa!" Jessie cried with a huge grin, her eyes growing wide. They both started laughing.
Mike and Stacy were arranging the sleeping bags and pillows in the girls’ tent, with Mike passing them inside while Stacy organized everything. She moved around in the tent, straightening blankets and sleeping bags. Mike, trying to be a gentleman, was doing his best to keep from staring at her ass in her tight white shorts as she crawled around on her hands and knees. ‘Damn!’ he thought. ‘She’s really grown up since last summer!’ He knew she was only two years younger than him, but her petite size always made her seem younger. Until now. Suddenly, two years didn’t seem like such a wide gap anymore.
Stacy fidgeted with the bedding, not really paying attention to what she was doing.

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   She was purposefully looking away from Mike, hoping he’d notice her svelte young body and realize that she wasn’t a kid anymore. She couldn’t believe she was actually flirting so openly! ‘This is more like something Alyssa would do!’ she thought.
Eventually, she had to stop before it became too obvious what she was doing. She stretched out across the sleeping bags, her head propped up on one elbow, and looked out the flap at Mike.
"Well, what do you think?" She smiled warmly.
Mike looked in at the pretty blonde in the tight shorts and skimpy bikini top and without taking his eyes off her said, "Looks perfect to me!" He smiled, winked and stood up so all she could see were his well-toned legs. "You coming for supper?"
Stacy’s face flushed red. He knew!
"Uh, yeah. Be right there!" she answered, taking a deep breath to slow her heartbeat. She waited until her cheeks stopped burning and poked her head outside. She was relieved to see that he had gone over to where Jessie, Alyssa, and Rick were standing near the picnic table.
‘What’s the big deal?’ she told herself. ‘I like him and he knows it. He likes me and I know it!’
She crawled out and stood up. ‘So why am I so nervous to see him?’
Mike saw her and waved her over.

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   She lowered her eyes and walked over to the table. Mike was sitting in the middle of one side and slid over so she could sit next to him. Jessie and Alyssa served up the burgers and they all dug in.
Chapter 6
After everyone finished eating, Mike nudged Stacy. "Since they cooked, do you wanna help me do the dishes?" Stacy nodded with a shy smile and they began gathering up the dirty dishes.
"Sounds good to me!" Alyssa said, getting up from the table. "Who wants a drink?" A chorus of "I do’s" was her reply. She took everyone’s order and went over to the coolers to make them. Mike and Stacy filled a basin with hot water and began washing the dishes while Jessie went over and sat on one of the logs next to the fire pit. After a moment, Rick wandered over, knelt next to the ring of rocks and started breaking up kindling. He and Jessie began chatting quietly, laughing every once in a while.
A few minutes later, Mike looked up from the basin of soapy water and passed another plate to Stacy to dry. "Hey, Jessie! You still play guitar?"
She looked over at him. "Yeah, but I didn’t think to bring it. "
Rick looked up at her as he tossed the remaining kindling into the pit and dusted off his hands.

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"You play?" Jessie nodded. "Me, too. " He grinned. "And I remembered my guitar!" He sat down next to her, but not too close. He didn’t want to come on too strong and scare her away. "I’d love to hear you play something. "
"She’s really good!" Alyssa called from the cooler. "And she can sing, too!"
Rick’s eyebrows went up. "Really?"
Jessie blushed. "She’s exaggerating," she said with a laugh. "I’m not that good!"
"Bullshit!" Alyssa called back. "Stacy, what’s that song she does? ‘When you. . . ’ something?"
"‘When You Say Nothing at All’," Stacy replied.


   She looked over at Rick. "And Alyssa’s right. She’s really good!"
Rick grinned at her. "Beautiful, talented, and humble!" He was really starting to relax around her.
Jessie’s face reddened even more. "Can I talk you into a song or two?" She turned to him and their eyes met. He had the warmest brown eyes she’d ever seen. She smiled and nodded.
"Ok. You asked for it. But let me have a few drinks first. "
Rick grinned. "Liquid courage?"
Jessie laughed and playfully pushed his shoulder. "Humor me, ok?"
Rick chuckled and nodded. Jessie rubbed her arms.

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   "It’s starting to cool off. I think I’ll put on a sweater. " She got up and walked toward their tent.
"I’ll light the fire," Rick said, kneeling next to it. By the time Jessie returned, the kindling was burning and he was adding some larger pieces to the growing flames. He watched it closely, adjusting the burning pieces and adding larger and larger pieces to it. Finally, he spoke up, still staring into the leaping flames.
"So, uh . . . are you . . . seeing anyone?" She didn’t answer right away so he turned to her. She was watching him, her long blonde hair falling across her shoulders and down her back.

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   The firelight lit up her face, making her eyes sparkle and her hair shimmer as it blew gently in the faint evening breeze. She had put a white cotton buttoned shirt over her bikini top but had left it unbuttoned. The overall effect took his breath away. ‘How could someone like her ever be interested in someone like me?’ he thought.
She smiled softly and the firelight danced in her eyes. She shook her head slowly. "No," she said quietly, staring into his eyes. He got up from his kneeling position and sat on the log next to her, about a foot apart. After a few seconds, Jessie slid over so that their hips were touching.
Rick couldn’t believe it! His heart leapt as he felt her soft warm body touching his. He’d been pretty sure he was reading her signals correctly, but there was no mistaking this one! He gazed into her pretty face and took her hand in his. She squeezed his hand softly and laid her head on his shoulder. His heart skipped a beat. He’d been hoping to get to know her, maybe get her phone number, but this was totally unexpected!
"Looks like you made a friend!" Alyssa said as she walked up with Rick’s beer and Jessie’s rum and coke. Jessie raised her head but continued to hold Rick’s hand as she took the drink.

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"Thanks, ‘Lyssa," she said with a smile.
"Yeah, thanks," Rick said, taking the beer.
Alyssa looked sternly at Rick. "You better be nice to her!" she scolded. "Or I’ll whoop your ass!"
Rick grinned and squeezed Jessie’s hand. "Yes, ma’am!"
Mike and Stacy walked over. They’d finished the dishes and Mike was carrying Rick’s guitar.
"Well, now! What have we here?" Mike asked, raising his eyebrows at Rick and Jessie.
Rick shrugged and tried to look serious. "Hard to believe that with such pretty eyes that her eyesight could be that bad. But, hey, who am I to complain?" Everyone laughed and Jessie elbowed him in the ribs.
"Don’t worry, buddy. She’ll get a better look at you in the morning and run away screaming!" Mike said with a grin and they all laughed again. Mike passed Rick his guitar. "Here .

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   . . you can hold her later. Try this on. "
Rick sighed. "It never fails," he said to Jessie. "They find out you can play and someone produces a guitar!"
Mike rolled his eyes. "You brought the guitar, knucklehead! Now play something!"
Rick reluctantly let go of Jessie’s hand and took the guitar from him. "I don’t suppose you tuned it for me?" he said as he slipped the strap over his shoulder.
Mike rolled his eyes again. "Do I have ‘Roadie’ tattooed on my forehead?"
"I’ll take that as a ‘no’," Rick said with a wink to Jessie. He plucked at the strings, tuning by ear.
When he was satisfied with the tuning, he began playing ‘When You Say Nothing at All’.
Jessie swatted his arm. "I said later!"
He grinned.

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   "Can’t blame a guy for trying!"
He played a few songs; Cover of the Rolling Stone, Night Moves, Simple Man, and a pretty good rendition of Zeppelin’s Going to California. Everyone clapped and cheered after each song. After the Zeppelin tune, he leaned the guitar against the log and flexed his chording fingers. Jessie hugged his arm. "You’re really good!" she exclaimed to a chorus of agreement from the others. He smiled and nodded his thanks. He looked at Jessie and nodded toward the guitar, but she shook her head. "Not yet, ok?" He nodded and picked up the guitar again.
Several songs and several drinks later, he passed the guitar to Jessie. "Your turn. I need a break!"
She sighed. "All right, but don’t say I didn’t warn you!" She took the guitar from him and strummed a few chords, getting a feel for it. She began playing When You Say Nothing at All, plucking the strings perfectly without dropping a note. When she started singing, Rick watched her in total amazement. The girls were right.

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   She had a beautiful, angelic voice and sang the song perfectly. Everyone applauded enthusiastically when she finished and Rick just stared in awe at her.
"They weren’t exaggerating, Jessie! That was perfect!"
"Aw, c’mon. I’m not that good!" she said, blushing slightly. The others all left to replenish their drinks.
"I’m serious!" he said. "You’re a natural! You played and sang that song perfectly, without even having to think about it!"
She leaned closer, looking deeply into his warm eyes. "You don’t have to try to flatter me. Believe me, I’m interested!" she whispered. She smiled at him, her emerald eyes sparkling.
He returned her smile, lost in her beautiful eyes. The others returned and the spell was broken.
Stacy spoke up. She must have been feeling the effects of the four or five vodka coolers because it wasn’t like her to speak up in a crowd. "Ok.

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   You guys look way too serious! Somebody play something!"
Everyone laughed and Jessie said, "Ok, one more. " She played Strawberry Wine, once again to a round of raucous applause. She laid the guitar back in its case to several disappointed cries. She shook her head and held up both hands. "Sorry! I’m on break!" She turned to Rick. "Want to go for a walk?"
"Sure!" he replied, standing up and taking her hand. He was a little nervous. This would be the first time they were alone together and he hoped he wouldn’t do something stupid.
"See you later!" Jessie called as they disappeared into the darkness, walking toward the beach.
"You have her home at a decent time, young man!" Alyssa called out after them.
To be continued
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Escort is placed in the very heart of world and can clearly be classified as one of the most astonishing locations in world, that is well-known among all those, who usually travel around the globe. Surprisingly, there are a lot of lovely parks, impressive monuments, unbelievable buildings and amazing places of interest, vividly expressed culture, very tasty food and many other attractions. Only here you can walk down the roads, enjoy diversified sport activities, sunbath on attractive beaches, dance non-stop during wild parties within the city. Nevertheless, has more than you could only imagine, but it’s just hidden from everyone’s eyes and only the bravest ones will unveil all those hidden gems of Escort as long as they know where to search. Don’t hesitate to discover, the best location for all those nasty dudes, who merely cannot imagine their lives without arousing lechery. You will surely like what you are about to see in Escort.

What to expect from Escort

Enter Escort official website in order to discover amazing escort offers at and check out a whole new side of this amazing, yet lecherous city. Even those who come here for the first timer, will not also have some great time without any problems. The website works in a very simple, yet reliable and fast manner. Enter the registration page in order to perform registration within a few minutes and right away being selecting escort bitches that you would like to meet.
There are a lot of different categories for you to select from, hereby you can be certain to definitely find what you like the most. Don’t miss a chance to enjoy standard, VIP, diamond and other categories, based on your budget. Regardless of the category, you will surely get to know plenty of seductive chicks in Sexy Latinas, filthy Asians, nasty Caucasians, dirty-minded Europeans, horny Arab ladies, gorgeous ebonies are waiting for you in order to demonstrate their deeply impressive escort skills. Feel free to go through their CVs and have a look at their arousing photo collections, which expose their hot body curves from the best angles.

Safety and Diversity of Escort Services

Now we have reached the most interesting part of our journey through Escort city. Time to decide what you are going to do with those agile escort chicks. We continuously work to improve the quality of our services and make sure that our gorgeous babes can deliver only top-quality escort services to each and every customer of ours. My word, those bitches possess the most appropriate techniques to deliver the ultimate satisfaction to absolutely any dude on this sinful planet. Hereby, feel free to implement your fantasies with breathtaking oral sex, arousing escort massage, lecherous cosplays, incredible toying, amazing butt-banging, stunning handjobs, unforgettable pissing, passionate group sex and many more. Our hotties will definitely do all they can to satisfy you to the maximum.
When it comes to private information, we take it very seriously and ensure that it stays absolutely safe at all times. Top-quality escort services and safety in operations make our clients come and visit Escort again and again. So, don’t miss such an stunning opportunity to discover the lecherous pleasures that Escort and its mouthwatering ladies have prepared for you, because you will like it for sure!
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Escorts Batumi - When addressing the nightlife of Batumi, the issue of having sex with girls in Batumi cannot be ignored, despite the fact that some people may find it to be controversial

Located in southern Georgia, the picturesque city of Batumi is well-known for more than just its breathtaking scenery and exciting nightlife. The city's special allure is heightened by the presence of these exquisite escort females, who are famous for their beauty, refinement, and class. The attractiveness of escort females in Batumi, as well as the city's vibrant nightlife and thriving tourism business, are the foci of this essay.

Batumi's escort services are well-known for being among the best in the world. In Batumi, you may find escort females that are not only beautiful, but also charming and witty. They have a knack for making their travel companions feel at ease and happy because of their intelligence, linguistic prowess, and general pleasant demeanour. Their attractiveness is more than skin deep; it permeates every aspect of their character, making them wonderful company at any event, whether formal or casual, public or private, social or romantic.

Escort girls Batumi
In Batumi, the escort girls' attractiveness extends beyond their physical features. The things that make them attractive are the interesting discussions they can have, the cultures they can appreciate, and the flexibility with which they can deal with any circumstance. They're more than just a ride to the club; they're also there to lend an ear and a shoulder to cry on. Batumi's escort females are well-respected for their reliability and discretion, guaranteeing complete confidentiality for their male customers at all times.
Escorts in Batumi
Batumi is a major centre for tourist and leisure activities. There are many different places to go out and have fun in the evening in Batumi, from clubs to pubs to restaurants. These stunning escort females are a welcome addition to the city's thriving nightlife, bringing an air of refinement to every gathering they grace.

Escort girls in Batumi
Batumi's cultural offerings, scenic beauty, and exciting nightlife have attracted visitors from all over the world, boosting the city's tourism business. Since the escort females are a part of the tourist infrastructure of Batumi, they help to make visitors' stays more enjoyable by providing company and activities.

Consent should be given and received before engaging in any sexual activity with the Batumi escort females. These females are professionals doing a service, and as such, they need to be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy. Batumi's escort females have a sterling reputation for their competence and confidentiality, making their services much sought after.
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