
Julie Wants, Julie Learns - Part 3


“Suck it baby. Suck my cock. ” He whispered, his eyes never leaving her face. “Does it feel good Jake? Like when you touch me?” A voice so soft and sweet it could only belong to Julie reached his ears. “Yes honey. It feels so good. Come on, I need to cum sweetheart. ” He pleaded. She only continued to pump, unconsciously trying to learn his shape, the right pressure, his deepest wants. Occasionally her tongue would flick out and sweep a newly formed drop of pre-cum from his slit, which Jake observed through growing passion. She appeared to enjoy the taste, licking her lips, and humming softly. He groaned low, and thrashed his head before returning his gaze to her face. A little impatient now, he abandoned his earlier notion of letting her lead. Reaching down, he placed his hand on her head to hold her in place as he worked his erection deeper into her warmth. She drew back instantly as his large, hard cock scraped across the roof of her mouth. Jake sensed her tightened apprehension.

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   He wavered indecisively, torn between wanting to ram his cock fully into her mouth, and knowing he should take it slow. A morning spent looking at her body, feeling her hot passion, and touching her had worn him down. Need won out and with no warning, he pushed his hips up, urgently driving his cock as deeply into her small, sucking mouth as he could. Oh but his little angel took it well, faltering for only a second before closing herself around his prick. “Ahhhh, yes Julie. Suck it deep baby. Suck it deep. ” He moaned. She struggled hard to accommodate him, but was unable to accept more than half of his fully erect cock, which was impressive considering her youth and inexperience. Her hand gripped tightly around the base, covering what her lips could not. Up and down her little hand flew, while her head bobbed in time. He felt her tongue lick his cockhead with every outstroke and he felt the gentle sweep as her soft curtain of hair tickled his thighs. He stroked her hair… her face… and moved his fingers to her mouth. Holding them close around her lips, he felt the push of his cock going inside… inside her hot little mouth… pulling her lips in… sucking him in; then he felt them push out as he retracted… the hollowing of her cheeks… the suction of her throat as she tried to reclaim him. His angel… his hot little slut… sucking, sucking, sucking so good on his rock hard cock.

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  Oh,” he breathed, “Yes baby, suck it, suck my cock. It feels so good honey. So good. ”Her enthusiasm picked up and she tried once more to swallow him. Gagging, she backed off, replaced her hand, and used it to help him reach the ultimate pleasure. He marveled at her tenacity. What she lacked in skill, she made up for in eagerness. Jake found her free hand and placed it gently on his tight balls. In turn, she cupped them tenderly, afraid to hurt him, but he encouraged her with low whispers. “Squeeze Julie… easy… soft,” he panted, “Yes, like that. Oh! Yes, squeeze them while you suck me baby. ”He was close now, his seed boiling in pleasurable waves as his balls tightened under her cool hands. She was moaning a little, turned on from the feel of his cock plowing into her mouth. Reading his body perfectly, she increased her pace, managing to take a little more into her mouth, and pumping steadily with her hand while he prepared to blow hard into her body. Jake groaned loudly, his body tight, his cock steel hard, his mind inflamed beyond reason as his sweet little angel sucked hard on his aching cock.

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   A strangled cry tore from his throat and he began to fuck deeply into her sucking mouth. He knew no restraint and yet, he didn’t force. He just fucked and let her take whatever amount of his length she could manage. “Julie… sweetheart… oh God, I’m gonna cum now. Please drink it for me baby. Ahhhhh! Yes!”A whirlwind of silky brown softness, her head flew as she sucked. He felt her body give in, he felt the longing to taste him wash over her and she hummed a low, long moan just as he erupted into her mouth. Streams of hot cum flowed from the tip of his prick, and Jake writhed in pleasure, barely breathing, letting it wash through him. Her lips were locked and she hung on frantically as he emptied his seed into her mouth. He saw, through lust-glazed eyes, her throat work to swallow and two thin trails of his own cum seeped from around his dick and flowed down her chin, but still his baby swallowed. The sight of his juice leaking from her mouth was too much for Jake and with one last thrust, he seated his cock as far as she could take and sprayed the last of his cum down her throat, groaning his victory in harsh, agonizing syllables. Julie stayed still, her chest heaving, her lovely lips still wrapped around his shaft. Looking down, Jake saw her eyes fill with sorrow and concern instantly clouded his afterglow. “What’s wrong sweetheart? Are you okay?” He asked, rubbing her cheek. “I’m so sorry Jake.

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   I’ll do better next time I promise. ” “What do you mean honey? That was fantastic. ”“No, it wasn’t. I could tell you wanted to be d-deeper in my mouth. I-I tried, but you’re so big. I’m sorry. ” Her tears tore at his heart and he tugged gently on her arm. “Come here honey. ”Shaking, she climbed up and lay beside him, her sorrowful blue eyes resting on his darker ones. He ran his hand up and down her arm and held her close, shushing her cries and trying to make her feel better. He wiped his cum from her chin and offered it to her; she took his fingers into her mouth and suckled gently. His cock stirred a little as he watched her. “Julie, you really have no idea do you?” “About what?”He raised her hand and kissed her fingers. “About your power to excite me. Your allure, your beauty, and your sexuality.

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  ”Blushing, “Oh Jake, stop it. ”“No, don’t be that way. Please? Embrace it Julie and let it grow. Together we can explore all that is in our minds. We can make it reality. Together. ”“I did okay Jake? Really?”“You did better than okay. Trust me… you were awesome. ” His eyes were earnest, staring intently, “Did you like it? Sucking my cock?”Shyly, “Yes. It made me feel hot and… excited. ”Laughing, he hugged her hard. “Good. Good, I’m glad, because I want you to suck it a lot. It feels really good, and I like to see your cute little mouth wrapped around my cock. That’s so sexy Julie.

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   You’re more beautiful than you realize. ”The girl simply purred, snuggling against him. He felt her eyelashes brush against the skin of his bare chest and he felt her mouth turn up in a smile. Reluctantly, he pulled free and looked at the clock. Michelle would be home sooner than he cared for, and Jake realized his belly was rumbling from hunger. Since their late breakfast, they’d been wrapped up in each other completely and now it was well past lunchtime. “You hungry?” He asked. “Yeah, a little. ”“Okay, go get dressed, I’ll take you to lunch. ”Excited, she ran to her room, leaving Jake to dress himself and to ponder once more on their situation. Michelle, he thought again. What was he going to do about her? When she came home, his little love affair would surely be interrupted with a large dose of harsh reality. Julie would be off limits, effectively a wonderful memory and not much more, until Michelle decided to visit her folks again. That thought caused him a great deal of pain. The little beauty had gotten way under his skin and he was helpless to find a solution.

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  Pulling on denim pants and a white t-shirt, his mind raced farther. Soon, being the nymph that she naturally was, Julie would turn to another for satisfaction. …No, she’s too young for that… too loyal… too loving. She doesn’t have that kind of need yet… But he knew he was wrong. He’d awakened her and she would not deny herself for too long, and he knew that was the way it should be. A girl like Julie should never be deprived of her sexuality. Instead she should be encouraged to accept all parts of it. To embrace it as he’d told her earlier. Frustrated, and no nearer an answer, Jake grabbed his keys and headed downstairs. After he set out the trash and locked the back door, Julie still had not put in an appearance. He supposed she was just like most women and wanted to take time with her grooming. Usually, Jake was more than grateful about that, being a lover of female beauty, but time was short and he wanted to feed her, then maybe enjoy her once more before Michelle came home. Just as he was about to go back up the stairs, he heard her approach. “It’s about time little girl, we need to get going before-“He was a little shocked by the way she looked. Gone was the innocent young girl he’d become so enamored of and in her place stood a sophisticated young woman.

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   She wore a short blue denim skirt and a silky sleeveless top in a pale shade of coral, every bit the picture of a young lady fighting the heat of summer in the south, albeit a petite one. Her hair was down, as he’d requested, but parted on the side and held by a shiny silver barrette. Dark blue shadow lightly dusted her eyelids and she’d used a tasteful amount of liner at the outer corners. The result was stunning, smoky, sensual beauty, and Jake was staggered. “Do you like it Jake?” Her nervous voice asked. “Honey, I d-do,” he stammered, “But…”Watching the pleasure slip from her face was painful, but he could only stand there looking at her, struggling to find a way to voice what he was thinking. … Damn, I’m such an ass…“But what?” she asked softly. “You look like a woman Julie. Where’s my little angel?” Stunned, he just stared at her, wanting her again the way a man wants a woman, urgently, and with deep, lusty desire. “I’m still here Jake, but I wanted you to be proud of me. It’s like a date isn’t it?” Turning, she reached for her purse, “Are we ready?”Their eyes locked for a moment when she looked back at him. Jake didn’t care much for the feeling that was rising up in him, although he couldn’t explain what that feeling was. He knew only that he was consumed by her possession. If he took her out like this, men would look at her; they would want her. While that thought angered him to a degree, it also caused sexual feelings inside him.

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   His groin tightened and he took her arm possessively, bewildered by his own reaction. “Sure. ” He said. “We’re all set. Let’s go. ” But he heard the tension in his own voice and wondered if she did too. They sat together in silence on the way to the restaurant. Jake felt her sneaking worried looks at him, but he stubbornly kept his eyes glued to the road, hating that he’d upset her, hating the way he felt. From the corner of his eye, he stole a few glimpses of her smooth tanned thighs and groaned inwardly. What the hell was wrong with him? She looked great. Really beautiful even, but he could hardly bear the thought of someone else seeing what belonged to him. Worse, he enjoyed her innocence and didn’t like seeing maturity rear its head. He supposed what he really wanted was the best of both worlds, and there was no way to have that. At last, he slammed the brakes and pulled off the road into a crowded parking lot. Turning, he looked at the hurt in her eyes, wishing it away with all his might.

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   He reached out a hand and stroked her cheek as he watched her tears spill over. “Julie… baby, I’m so sorry. ”She flung herself at him, crying against his shoulder and clutching him close. He held her, soothing her with a hand down her back, and whispering his love for her. Eventually, her tears subsided and she pulled away, her big blue eyes searching his face. “I don’t understand what was wrong. Don’t you like how I look?”“Yes! Baby, you look beautiful, and so sexy. Maybe too sexy. Part of what I love is that you’re so innocent, and I don’t want you to lose that quality. Not until it’s truly time for you to mature. ” He held her hand as he leaned over to kiss her. “Also, I feel… well… jealous as hell really. I know you’re going to be turning a lot of heads, and I’m not sure I can deal with that very well. No matter what though, we’re okay. Right? You’re beautiful… you’re still my girl… and I’m just a foolish man.


   Be patient with me sweetheart, okay?”Somehow, she smiled at him, sending his heart flip-flopping around his chest. If anything, her tears had increased her beauty, lending her a sultry, pouty look that he found irresistible. Mindless of prying, small town eyes, Jake leaned over and captured her lips. He pressed insistently until he felt her blossom open as she always did for his kisses. Their tongues met and he was startled by the intensity with which she returned his kiss. Moving quickly, he pulled her to him and allowed his tongue to taste the sweetness of her mouth in a deep way. She sucked at his tongue and moaned low in her throat, once more surprising him with her passion. When he pulled away, she whimpered and opened her eyes. “My God Julie, how do you do this to me? How can I want you so much?”She only smiled and held his hand as he started the car and pulled into traffic. 000Their lunch was nice. Julie had a shrimp basket and Jake had a steak. He watched her eat hungrily, a thousand thoughts on his mind, yet he hesitated to spoil the mood again. He’d been right about the looks cast their way. Filled with a strange, arousing mix of pride and jealousy, he watched the men and young boys stare at Julie. He knew most of these people, and they were aware that the Walkers had a young girl living with them for the summer, but he couldn’t help wondering if they thought something illicit was going on between he and Julie what with the way he looked at her, and her flirtatious laugh.

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   Recklessly, he decided he didn’t care as he fed her a French fry and handed her a napkin for her mouth. She giggled and wiped the ketchup away, then suddenly turned serious. “What will happen after Michelle gets home Jake?”“Um, I’m not sure. ” He said honestly, meeting her sharp gaze full on, “Our time will be limited to whatever we can grab, but we have to be careful honey. Very careful. I could go to jail if anyone ever found out about us. Understand?”She nodded, and lowered her eyes. “It’s not fair is it?” Her voice was barely a whisper. “I suppose not, but don’t you worry, we’ll be alright. We’ll figure out something. Okay?”“Okay. ”Jake paid the bill and the two of them headed for home. 000The message light was blinking on the answering machine when they got back. Julie headed off to the bathroom while Jake played the messages. There was one from Michelle saying she was sorry she’d missed them and that she should be home by seven o’clock.

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   Glancing at his watch, he saw that it was already nearly four. They didn’t have much time left. The second message was from Julie’s mother. Her voice was shaking as she relayed a phone number and asked that Michelle or Jake call as early as possible on Monday morning. He wrote the number down and went upstairs. He found her in her room. It was still almost empty, still devoid of her presence, yet the room held her scent. Jake inhaled deeply as he approached the bed where she sat waiting. She was coy, flirtatious, her eyes shimmering with desire. Jake’s cock swelled as he took her in, feeling full… full of raw emotion, helpless desire, and powerful possessiveness. He watched the swell of her chest as she breathed, her erect nipples pushing out enticingly against the silky fabric that held them captive. He reached out and stroked them through her top, gratified at the way she moaned, closed her eyes, and caught her lip between her teeth. She was so sexy, so sweet, and so excited. He had barely touched her and already she was responding to him. He rubbed his hand across those hard little nipples, bending them to the side under the pressure of his touch and loving the way they bounced back into place.

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  …so soft…“Lift up your arms honey. ” She did, raising them silently as a shudder ran through her body. Tenderly, Jake pulled her shirt up from the hem, his fingers brushing her hot skin and causing her to draw a sharp breath. He tossed the shirt to the floor and sank to his knees. He simply put his head in her lap and lay still. She stroked his hair, bending to drop soft kisses on his cheek and neck. She ran her hands down his back and drew him closer, her legs spreading and her breath blowing warm against his skin. Jake used his hands on her legs, massaging her calves, roaming higher to tickle behind her knees, then higher still to caress her deliciously soft thighs. Above him, she sighed her pleasure and pulled his shirt up until he lifted and allowed her to pull it from his body. Easing her back on the bed, he lifted her skirt above her waist, her silk clad pussy coming into view. He soaked the sight in, seeing the wetness that darkened the center of the crotch piece, her aroma, so sweet and intoxicating, drifting up to cloud his mind with drunken desire. Her pussy smelled so good; his mouth watered as he moved in closer, just breathing, just loving her scent. …a taste… a smell… a touch… Slowly, he let his tongue emerge and placed it on that tiny little wet spot as his salivary glands released a torrential flow around his probing muscle. Pressing urgently, he moved his tongue up and down, massaging her clitoris right through her panties. Julie squirmed and groaned above him.

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   Going further, he drew the crotch of her panties into his mouth and sucked the sweet taste of Julie from the filmy cloth, his cock heaving and pulsing as her flavor aroused his senses. …oh God… so sweet…Still using only his tongue, he snaked it under the edge of her panties, instantly rewarded by Julie’s drawn out moan and a fresh flow of juice from her hot little cunt. He pulled the panties aside and stared down at her lovely pussy. Her hair was nearly translucent, as little as there was of it, and he was able to see through the soft fuzz and view her plump lips, which seemed to swell right before his eyes. Moving quickly, his hands shaking, he eased her hips up and drew the skirt and the panties down, pushing them from her coltish legs eagerly. She was naked now, soft, and warm. He lowered his head and breathed again, her smell arousing his cock to maximum erection. At her deeper moan, he eased a finger into her slit, working it in slowly, allowing himself to feel the contours of her inner most self. He was amazed at her softness, and at her elasticity. She was so firm, so tight around his seeking finger, and he explored deeply. … oh, her heat… her pussy… so hot…Above him, the girl mewled her pleasure, her gasps hot and loud, her trembling violent. His hands flowed across her skin of their own volition, feeling her, touching her, stroking her stiff nipples. Lazily, she raised her arms and laid them above her head, sliding her legs open a fraction more, and undulating like a tiny belly dancer. Jake traced his way up her soft tummy, his fingers dancing around her navel, dipping down to the curve of sweet, feminine hip, traveling higher to feel each delicate rib under the mask of tan flesh that covered it. Hungrily, he lowered his head and devoured her pussy.

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   His tongue stroked deep, slipping up and up, between the delectably soft lips that housed the source of her pleasure, working away at the hood that protected it. He felt her jerk as he connected; he felt that energy that buzzed underneath as she simmered in slow building lust. His tongue sought for it, digging gently at first, then more forcefully as he manipulated her pleasure center. Her taste filled his mouth as he caught it, nibbling with just his soft lips and the girl growled deep and began to pump her hips up and down in sharp bursts. And his cock throbbed for attention all the while, painfully tight within his pants, seeping his hot juice out in small drops. … I need her cum…Something brushed across his face. It was her hand. Lifting, he allowed her access, watching as she rubbed her index finger rapidly across her swelling clit, his desire soaring higher and higher. He lowered his head and thrust his tongue once more through her lips and into the liquid heat of her moist pussy. She moved faster, her hips searching for and finding the thing that would take her all the way… his firm, fucking tongue. He felt her pussy clutch at it, pulling his tongue in, tightening around it, pulsing, hot, soft, sexual. He groaned and whispered, “Cum baby. Cum for me. ”… give it to me Julie… give me your sweetness… flood me…“Ohhh. Ohhhh.

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   Ohhhhh. God, I’m gonna cum Jake. I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, ohhhh yesssss, I’m cumming!” Her voice was ragged with desire, and deeper than he’d ever heard it, and her quivers were constant and strong, jerking her body up, sliding her sweet slippery pussy over and over across his mouth. His cock lurched again, trembled, and then suddenly released, and he felt the wetness spread across the crotch of his jeans as he squirted right in his pants, her cries too much to take as her sweet pussy smell flooded his mind with pleasure. …mmm, baby…oh yes…Once more, he put his tongue inside her as she abandoned her clit and locked her legs around his face. With her fingers tight in his hair, she ground into him again and again, calling his name and moaning her orgasm out loud. It was difficult, but Jake removed his head from her vice-like grip and eased up beside her. Her eyes were closed, her body still jerking as her orgasmic convulsions tapered away. Tenderly, he leaned in until she could smell herself. Her eyes opened and he offered her his tongue, coated with her creamy cum. She accepted, opening her mouth, lying still, and allowing Jake to probe deeply, smearing her juices along her tongue, lips and against the roof of her mouth. With a loud moan, she finally closed her mouth around him and returned the pressure of his tongue with her own. She was animal-like, sucking, licking, nearly consuming him with her mouth. At last, she slipped free and in her eagerness, she caught his lower lip between her teeth and bit down gently, her voice a constant moan of need. That was all it took, his cock lurched to life and he reached down, unzipped his jeans and slid them away.

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  “F-fuck me Jake. Please?” Her eyes implored him just as urgently as her words did, and he knelt between her legs once again. “Hurry Jake. ”Surprised, he looked up. Her eyes were gleaming and she shook so hard the whole bed seemed to move. He touched her again, watching as his fingers disappeared so erotically into the small girl’s little pussy. She bore down right away, lifting her ass and beginning the fucking motions that signaled her absolute readiness. “Yes,” She whispered, tossing her head, “Yes, fuck me. ”He was ready too, ready to slip up into her cunt, his gentleness giving way to primal lust, and he growled as he positioned his cock between her lips, and with no tenderness, he plunged inside her soft, warm, clasping pussy. “Ahhhhhh, yes, yes, yes!” He called. “Your cunt is so hot honey. I need to fuck you. I’m gonna fuck you Julie, and I’m gonna fuck you hard. ” He punctuated this with a hard forward thrust and his cock entered unexplored territory, as Julie gripped him with her thighs, grinding, grinding, grinding that incredibly tight pussy farther onto his prick. Jake lifted himself to his knees; he let his head fall back, groans slipping from his mouth as he rolled his hips, moving deeply in and out of her with lightening speed.

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   His balls tingled as he fucked her and he felt the heat building again in his crotch. The pressure of her thighs was exquisite. She clamped down, tightened her ass and fucked him back. Oh God, how sweet, how wet, how so fucking good to be sliding his cock deep in her pussy. And the little angel wanted it. She wanted more of him, her whimpers having reached a crescendo in his ears. So sweet… so slutty… so wanton. He obliged by lifting her legs into the crook of his arms, getting up on his toes and fucking her sweet cunt with everything in him. All reason fled, the only thing that mattered was fucking Julie. Fucking Julie. Fucking, fucking, fucking Julie. Underneath him, she was a crazed thing driven only by her lust and she answered each of his thrusts with equal intensity. Through his half closed eyes, he saw small beads of perspiration break on her brow. Her face was twisted in a sexy grimace of pleasure as the muscles inside her that had grasped his fingers now milked the cum from his balls. Her head flew from side to side, and just as her moan became a wail, he felt it.

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   The delicious rise of cum from his tight, heavy balls. He stopped for half a second, thinking if he held off he could fuck her longer, but she took the matter away from him by wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and lifting her slight body on, then off of his throbbing prick. “God, don’t stop Jake! Please! I’m going to cum! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!”He thrust a few more times as her body twisted beneath him, but it was too much. He let the cum rise, reveling in her pleasure, deeply thrilled by her. “Ungh! Gotta cum baby,” He wheezed, “Cumming! Oh baby… I’m cumming!” And he fell on her, his body jerking as shot after shot released from his balls and squirted deeply into her pussy. She tensed as the last of her orgasmic waves washed through her, clutching him tightly, as her body traveled the path to true pleasure. They lay together for a while, Jake whispering he loved her again and again. Julie murmured the same, keeping her legs locked tight as his cock shrank inside her. Eventually, the need for speed came through to Jake and he eased up on his elbows, kissing her once more before sending her off to shower. When Michelle walked through the door an hour and half later, all was well. Julie, her face clean, wearing sweats and a t-shirt was finishing up the dishes and Jake was watching Saturday evening news. He rose and kissed Michelle, but carefully avoided her eyes. Over her shoulder, Julie stared at him. He offered the young girl a smile and a wink, which she happily returned, then he took Jacob from his mother and played with him on the floor. Once, as Julie and Michelle chatted, Jake looked up and observed his two women.

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Mimo, że any city of Poland może wydawać się niewinnym miejscem, to jednak zobaczysz, że sprawy wyglądają kompletnie inaczej, gdy już, sprawdzisz ogłoszenia towarzyskie katowice.Mogę obiecać Ci, że to miejsce aż ocieka pożądaniem i może zaoferować kilka sposobów spędzenia czasu dla absolutnie każdego faceta pragnącego spełnić swoje najbardziej niegrzeczne fantazje i zrealizować najbardziej wyuzdane plany. Na szczęście mamy niesamowite gorące towary z całego świata , które pomogą we wprowadzeniu tych wszystkich niegrzecznych marzeń w rzeczywistość. Zapraszamy Cię do obejrzenia i sprawdzenia ich CV, aby wybrać najbardziej seksowną i najbardziej niesamowitą panienkę czekającą specjalnie na Ciebie. Długie doświadczenie i wieloletnie sukcesy na rynku ogłoszeń towarzyskich umożliwiają, że anonse towarzyskie bydgoszcz są w stanie zrealizować wszystkie preferencje. Dlatego też wyrusz na poszukiwanie cudownych robótek ręcznych, cudownego seksu oralnego, wspaniałych panienek do towarzystwa, nie kończących się sesji analnych, dzikiego seksu grupowego, BDSM i wiele więcej. Nie krępuj się i wybierz najbardziej odpowiednią metodę płatności i nie martw się o swoją prywatność lub bezpieczeństwo, ponieważ nasz zespół profesjonalistów dołożył wszelkich starań, aby zapewnić zupełne zabezpieczenia i komfort wszystkim odwiedzającym anonse towarzyskie katowice. Nie bądź onieśmielony i zademonstruj wyuzdaną stronę swojej osobowości, a w zamian ciesz się tej długo oczekiwanej i absolutnie niezapomnianej satysfakcji seksualnej wraz z zachwycającymi damami z
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Escort Bahrain - Escort females in Bahrain come in a variety of styles, with something to suit everyone

Bahrain's combination of traditional Arabian culture and current Western influences is what makes it so unique. This results in an extraordinary variety of experiences, ranging from glimpses of old customs to the most modern conveniences.
An memorable time may be had in Bahrain at one of the numerous top-notch hotels, exquisite eating establishments, or energetic nightlife locations. These ladies are the ideal travel companions to make the most of your stay in Bahrain, whether you're wanting to party the night away, have a fine dinner, or unwind in a five-star spa.
Working with independent escorts has several advantages, one of which is the assurance of their genuineness. You can trust that you are dealing with experts who are really interested in giving you with the greatest experience possible since they have total control over their company.
While selecting an escort women in Bahrain, it is crucial to explicitly convey your expectations and preferences to guarantee you obtain the desired experience. This covers everything from the services offered to the escort lady to the length of your session.
In conclusion, if you want an exceptional experience in Bahrain with an independent escort, you've come to the perfect spot. These ladies provide a variety of services that appeal to all types of clientele, and they strive to give you with a customized experience that suits your specific wants and expectations. You may be guaranteed that your encounter will be private and discreet due to their high degree of secrecy. Call an independent escort in Bahrain immediately to have a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.
One of the numerous advantages of dealing with independent escorts is that their authenticity can be guaranteed. You can be certain that you are dealing with experts that are really interested in giving you with the greatest possible experience since they have total control of their company.