
Lucky Stone pt 8


My cock finally slipped from Moms recently ravaged rectum and standing up I could see a trail of cum leaking from her arse and sliding down her leg. Leaning over to pick up my shorts I slapped her hard on the arse again and told her to pick up what was left of her dress and go into her bedroom.
“You wouldn’t want Dad or Sue to see you lying there like that. ”
Mom got on all fours and grabbed the ripped remains of her sun dress and thong and crawled off to her room. As her naked arse disappeared into her bedroom I reminded her that from now on it’s what I want, when I want it.
Waiting till her door closed I grabbed the camera and rewound the tape. I got the cable from the camera bag and connected the camera to the TV in my bedroom and checked out the quality of the recording. I watched it for several minutes, and then satisfied that the sound and vision were OK I again rewound the tape and lay back on the bed thinking of what I should do with it.
I noticed a folder on the table. The type you find in every hotel room, filled with flyers and brochures, for all the local tourist traps. Flicking through I discovered the hotel had a film processing shop and that they could transfer your pictures or films onto disk so I grabbed the tape and headed out to the store.
I arrived just as Mr Muscles from the gym was leaving and he pushed past me as if was a bug to be swatted. I talked the guy behind the counter, who was about my age, about copying the tape and what problem he was having with gym guy.
“He wants some posters of himself done for the gym but he never paid for the last lot so I’m not doing them. I wish I had some way of cutting him down a notch or two. ”
I told him I might have what he was after if he could do me a few copies of the tape.

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   He agreed and told me to come back in the morning.
Wandering around the resort I spotted Dad in a café having coffee with a rather attractive, big breasted blonde. To most people in the café this looked like a casual meeting but with the camera’s zoom function I could see Dad’s other hand under the table massaging her mound through her bikini briefs.
The rest of the day I did all the tourist things and that night everyone just hung out in our hotel room. The next day was our trip to the reef but once we arrived at the reef Mom announced she didn’t feel well from the boat ride and was going to lay down while the rest of us hopped in the inflatable boat and headed for the dive area. I knew that what she really had was the hot's for the ships black captain and with us out of the way could get herself a good fucking. Following a day of sun and sea we all arrived back at our room and everyone just crashed.
Sue had been annoying me more than usual yesterday and this morning headed off early to the beach. Dad left to play some golf but I had an idea as to what holes he was hoping to play. I went to the camera store but the young guy wasn’t there and the lady behind the counter told me he should be in about 10:00 . I went back to my room to get my swimmers and towel and thought I’d head on to the beach and catch up with Sue .
Back at the room I gathered my stuff and as I left through the main room I saw Mom on the balcony. She was wearing a very small bikini and was rubbing sun block on her breasts. I stood and watched her as her greasy hand snaked its way to her upper thighs massaging in the cream. My cock gave a twitch and started to rise and dropping my gear I thought “what I want, when I want it”.

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I pulled my hardening cock from my shorts and walking quietly up to her announced “how about taking care of this?” She nearly jumped off the deck chair with surprise and turning to me said that her pussy was still sore from the fucking the other day.
“Sure it’s not from fucking that black guy yesterday while we were off diving?” I said
“How did you know” she replied.
“Because you’re cock happy and from the moment we got on the boat I could tell you wanted him. ” I told her.
I moved towards her holding my stiff cock in one hand and as she opened her mouth to object I grabbed her hair and pushed her head onto my cock. Once in her mouth her tongue took over swirling around my cock as she sucked more in. With my hand behind her head I began to fuck her face.
While setting up a rocking motion with my hips that drove my cock down her throat I reached for her breast and began massaging the tit through the bikini top, pulling the material aside then pinching her stiffing nipple.
Mom’s hand gripped my cock, her head bobbed to meet every push from my hips. Faster she jerked my cock taking it from her mouth and licking the head as the pressure built in my balls. Finally she relaxed her hold and I painted a line of cum across her face. Her tongue lapped at my cock as it pulsed with cum Mom worked her hand up and down the length of my cock milking every last drop and greedily swallowing it before falling back to lay on the lounge.
As I placed my cock back in my shorts I leant over and grabbed Mom’s cunt through her bikini bottoms squeezing it firmly as I reminded her that it is mine when I want it. She nodded her head as she wiped cum from her face and licked her hand. She reached out and gripped my wrist pushing my hand more firmly into her crotch and smiling at me as she closed her eyes.

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I walked past the photo shop but the guy wasn’t there so I went to the games room to shoot some pool. After a while I glanced at the clock and it was now 11:00 so I went once more to the photo shop, my mind filled with thoughts of what to do once I had the disks.
The assistant, Phil, was there waiting for me and apologized for being late but then told me he had some pictures I may like. He handed me the original tape as well as three copies burnt to disk. Giving me another disk he told me it contained some candid pictures of a couple of guests he spotted at the secluded cove on the other side of the island.
Finally he said that he had watched the start of the tape and burnt himself a copy and hoped I didn’t mind but working here limited his chances for any action. I thanked him and paid for the copies, tucking them in the pocket of my bag before heading to the marina for some lunch.
Looking at the café’s on the waterfront I spotted Maurice having coffee and cake while reading the paper. I approached him and once again I thanked him for flying us here and looking after us at the resort. He asked me to join him and while we talked I could feel the stone warming my chest. I was trying to think what it meant when I moved my foot and hit my bag and I heard the disks click. Thinking should I give him one the stone warmed further so I knew it was the right thing to do.
“Maurice, I know you collect movies starring a particular performer and I also know she hasn’t made a professional movie for awhile but I have this disk of her most recent performance and I’d like you to have it as my way of saying thanks. ”
Maurice was a little surprised and took the disk slipping into his jacket.
“I’ll take this in the spirit in which it was given and I won’t ask any questions about how you got it.

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I left him to his coffee and headed for the beach. I met Dad and from the quick look I had it appeared he had been slapped on the face recently and the redness was only just fading. Maybe he needed the stone for some luck. We walked along the beach looking for Sue but there were too many people about to see her.
“She may be down the far end” I said “She likes to sunbathe topless to get an even tan. ”
“That’s good thinking lets take a stroll and see what we find. ” replied Dad.
The path took us away from the resort area and the crowds and then Dad spotted some people lying on the sand and began to walk towards them. I followed but quickly saw that neither of the two people were Sue , but they were women who appeared to be topless.
Dads up front salesman manner came out and he just walked up and introduced both of us to the women and began asking about the surf conditions. Then he asked had they seen anyone else around who may be Sue . I just stood to one side trying not to stare at these nearly naked ladies
The older of the women, whose name was Kath, rolled to one side to look at Dad and in the process exposed her left breast. Dad continued talking as if it was nothing out of the ordinary and even sat down next to Kath to talk about their holidays so far. Kath then introduced her companion as her daughter Kim. Kim looked to be about Sue ’s age and smiled at me as she shielded her eyes from the sun.

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   Taking Dad’s lead I sat next to her and talked about teenage things like bands and movies.
Kim then reached into her beach bag and pulling a tube of sun tan cream told me to make myself useful. I applied the cream to my hands and began to massage it into her back working from her neck and shoulders to the top of her bikini briefs. Reaching around Kim pulled the briefs into her arse crack and then told me to make sure to put some on her cheeks so she wouldn’t be too burned to sit down. I obliged by kneading the two halves of her arse like two balls of bread dough. Kath looked across and seeing what I was doing told Dad that was a good idea if he wanted to rub her up.
Dad didn’t need a second invitation and was soon applying lotion to Kath’s back and arse. He knelt over her arse and rubbed with long strokes from her arse to her neck leaning forward till his crotch was spooned in her crack. Kim then flipped over onto her back revealing a nice set of smallish boobs. She had obviously been tanning for a while as there were no tan lines and her nipples blended into the golden brown of her breasts. I put more cream on my hands and was just about to get a hold of her tits when Kath told Dad to swap as she wanted a young stud putting the squeeze on her hooters.
Dad was eager to swap places for a chance to grab some young firm breasts. Kath had also flipped onto her back so I went to work and her boobs. They were largish without being droopy and had big brown nipples that were even now standing to attention as I worked the lotion into the skin. Kath’s eyes were closed and she was moaning softly to herself, then I felt her hand snake its way up the leg of my board shorts and rub against my stiffening cock.

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“How about we take this indoors before we get sand where it might itch later” said Kim.
I stopped rubbing and looked at Dad, but he just had a grin on his face, and when Kath agreed we all stood and picked up our gear and headed to a cabin set in the palm trees just beyond the sand. Kim took my hand and ran ahead leaving Dad with Kath. As soon as we entered the cabin Kim just dropped everything, she then flipped the switches that started the ceiling fan and turned on the CD player. The music had a synth pop beat and Kim wrapped her arms around my neck and swayed to the music.
“These guys are called Neuropa and they’ve been playing at the bar at this end of the island all week. You should come and check them out with me. ”
Kim forced her leg between mine and was humping my thigh to the beat. I ran my hands from her back to her behind pulling her harder against my leg. She pushed her breasts into my chest and rocked from side to side. I glanced across at Dad and saw Kath already on her knees with his cock in her mouth. Kim reached between us and ran her hand along my stiff cock.
“Is it like father, like son?” Kim asked.
She slid down my body pulling my shorts off in the same motion. My cock sprang to attention and Kim was on it like a seagull on a chip.

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   Her tongue licked at the tip then her mouth opened to take it in, her hands squeezing the shaft and massaging the balls. Kim hummed along to the tunes from the CD as her head bobbed up and down the each time taking more of my cock into her throat until her nose was in my pubic hair and my cock had disappeared. Kim pulled completely off my cock and gave it several jerks sliding her hand from the base to the tip. She rolled her thumb over the head spreading saliva and making it good and slick.
Off from the other side of the room I could hear Kath grunting and groaning as she sat astride Dads cock and bounced with a steady rhythm. She called to Kim for us to come over.
“Before you drain that boy I want to try a fantasy of mine, honey”
Dad was laying flat on the floor and Kath had straddled his cock and was leaning full forward with her arse sticking out.
“Come on sonny I want two men at once and I ‘m giving you the chance to be the first to fuck my butt so come on and enjoy it. ”
I positioned myself behind her, making sure not to step on anyone, spread her cheeks revealing a brown butt hole. It was then that Kim reached over and gripped my cock placing her thumb over the head. Moving forward she pressed my cock against her mothers arse and applying slight pressure to my cock head popped it into her mother’s back door. As I inched forward Dad began to withdraw from her cunt. I could feel the movement of his cock. By now I was nearly fully in and Kath began oohing and ahhing with every move. When I started to pull back for the next stroke Dad pushed his cock back in.

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   After several strokes we had a steady rocking motion and Kath was gasping for breath between each scream of ecstasy.
Not wanting to finish too quickly I finally pulled out of her arse and she rolled off Dads cock. Kim moved in kneeling on the floor and began licking her mother’s juices from Dads cock. I moved behind her and my cock slipped straight into her already slippery cunt. She grunted as I plowed her pussy from behind and continued to deep throat Dad. Kath, having regained her breath, squatted over Dads face and lowered her cunt for a good licking.
From my position behind Kim I had an amazing view of four people getting their sexual fulfillment. I was pounding Kim with deep strokes as her head bobbed up and down on Dads cock, Dad had his hands under Kath holding her cunt in position as his tongue drove deep into her slit.
Kath then called for a change of partners and lay back on the lounge. I moved from Kim and lay on top of Kath my cock sliding fully in on the first stroke. Kath wrapped her legs around me forcing me deeper into her. Dad sat on the lounge opposite and Kim sat over him facing towards us so I was able to see his cock slip into her pussy. I banged away at Kath changing the speed and direction of each stroke to make maximum contact and the look on her face told me I was doing the right thing. Her eyes had closed and her top lip had curled back to reveal her clenched teeth. As I completed each stroke she grunted louder, her ands were all over my back, her ragged breathing and the arching of her back made me realize she was close to an orgasm.

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Redoubling my efforts I felt her body spasm as her screams came quicker and not being able to hold on I emptied my balls into her steaming cunt. I felt two or three long squirts and each time she bit into my shoulder to suppress the screams of passion. Kath was nearly crushing me so tightly were her arms and legs wrapped around me. Finally her hold released and I sank face down into her bosom as she patted my head.
Kim, meanwhile, was bouncing on Dad and he thrust his hips from the lounge to make sure each stroke went deep. Her hands had reached down and were squeezing and pulling at his balls as he continued to slam away. His hands were wrapped around her chest and he had a good grip on each little tittie as they bounced with the motion.
Kim was shouting as loud as her mother and she must have felt Dad tense because she raised herself up enough for Dads cock to pop out and his cum to squirt across her belly and down into her trimmed pubic hair. Kim rang her fingers through the dripping cum and took them to her mouth so suck them dry. She rolled to the floor totally spent and it was several minutes before anyone spoke and then it was Kath who wanted to know what we wanted to try for the rest of the afternoon. The three of us just laughed barely able to move ourselves to do anything.       






















































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