
The End Of Term, The Beginning Of Something Great


This is a true story. Sophie and I are still together today, and infact 4 days prior we had celebrated 6 years together!  Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes
It was not an ordinary school day by a long shot, it was infect the last day of term 3 and it was even better, as I was an only child and my parents were off to visit friends for a surprise 10th wedding anniversary celebration then off to northern Australia for a holiday so I had the small house to myself for the next 11 days. My name is Brett and I stand around 5'8", solid build and blonde hair, okay looking and the worst age of all - 16. I can't do anything legally! Anyway. . . It was the end of lunchtime, just 2 periods more and I would have freedom! The only problem is that those 2 periods were a double of sports analysis theory. I had collected my books and began to make my way down the path and across the grounds to the P wing. It was modern block of 8 external portable class rooms with a covered path between. I was running early but that didn't matter me, what did was the miserable weather. The beaureu promised clear sky's but the rain clouds had other ideas.  I approached the room casualy and walked toward the enterence way.  

In an instant, I knew I had interrupted something as the beautiful girl infront of me quickly removed her hand from under her skirt. We looked at each other thinking of what the other thought. More than 30 seconds passed untill she broke the silence. All she said was; "meet me at the year 10 lockers after school".

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   She the pushed past me to escape the metal cubicle, but in doing so her moist finger swipes across the top of my hand, leaving a small trail of juices.  

I watched intently as she walked guiltily toward the locker bays and the main wing. I thought about what just happened and thought some more, all I could conclude is that it made me harder than i had ever been before. Soon the rest of my class arived, as well as the teacher. Surprisingly it was a substitute so we could count on an easy double period. As we sat down, my best mate Aidan asked what wad wrong as I apparently not myself. I replied saying that i was just tired but I don't think he believed that for a second. My 8" felt more like 11" as I kept repeating the scene in my head as to what happened and what I could have done differently.

I survived the first half of the double, not concentrating on anything but her, hell, I didn't even know her name but that's what made if so hot! 

You would of thought you had been at the 100m sprint finals the way 26 testosterone filled teens sprinted out of the room as soon as the clock hit 2. I did what I was told and waited around near my locker bay but I was begging to have doubts but the time 2:15 came around. I was just getting up a beginning to walk away when I heard what I knew was the voice of an angel, coming from the beautiful 15 year old 5'3"girl, with soft flowing brown hair and perfectly proportioned B cups.  
"sorry I was late, class detention" she said with a soft and calm voice.  
"it's okay" I replied, wondering what was going to happen.  
"can I talk to you in private" she asked cautiously"there are too many people around here" she continued.
"sure" I replied as I began to walk away toward the exit.



 Once we had left the grounds she began, "I'm Sophie,I've seen you around, Brett right?" "yeah" "so I guess you'd like an explanation?" "it wouldn't hurt" "well unlike most of my year level, I have or at least had some respect for myself, I am still a virgin and by choice, but today a feeling just overcame me. I don't know where it cam from but I just suddenly became very aroused, and I've only felt this way once before. I decided to try to sneak into one of the empty portables because no one goes over there unless they have lessons. But unfortunately they were locked, but I was desperate so I hid in one of the door ways and began to just stroke myself I guess is what you call it. I didn't have a clue what I was doing but it felt right. And I guess you know the rest of the story then. . . " she shyly explained. "yeah, and I promise I won't tell anyone"I reassured "thanks Brett" we continued walking, however she had moved slightly closer to me and soon enough we were hand In hand. "so what do you want todo?" she asked breaking the silence. "I don't mind, we can go to mine and chill if you want?" "cool"she replied clearly excited at the idea and she wasn't the only one! I was smart enough to suppress my enlarged member under the elastic band in my briefs. Otherwise I would've a walking big top. As the awkwardness wore off, the relationship grew. We flirted and talked all the way home and by the time we were at mine it felt like we had known each other for years.

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   We enters the house and chucked down our bags and I fixed us drinks as we chilled on the couch.

It was nearly 6 when I noticed it was getting dark when i decided to see what was going to happen tonight. "Aren't your parents wondering where you are?""nope, they're overseas visiting family so my big brother is looking after me but he knew that I was staying at a friends house tonight. " she explained as she snuggled up to me some more"aah, cool, I'm guessing your staying then" I said with excitement as my brain raced through the possibilities. "yeah if that's okay" "sure" over the last few hours sophie had gotten changed and I had caught a glimpse of a very nice pair of B cup breasts with perky little nipples and a slightly moist patch on her panties. We were still on the couch when the pizza finally arrived and the movie we were watching finally came to the climax.

A short while latter I decided to test the boundaries a bit more, "have you still got that urge from earlier?" I ask cheekily "maybe"she replies provocatively as she shifts her body so her left breast is resting against my upper arm and her chin on my shoulder. "you nipples say otherwise" I tease "do they now?" she grins as she move her tongue toward my waiting lips. Her hand reaches behind my head as she pulls me in close as our tongues dance in a fiery kiss. She lifts her leg across, kneeling either side of me as we kiss. My hands begin to explore her body, from the top of her head, across her back and down to her beautiful ass. I kissed her beautiful face and neck as my hand slid into her trackies and felt her ass as she giggled at my touch. I decided to be bold and In one swift move picked her light frame up and carried her to my bed.

I laid her down as my hands continued to explore. I was on-top of her as I began to fondle her breast through her hoodie, squeezing her nipple as she moaned.

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   But she was not as submissive as I though she was as she suddenly rolled me over and straddled me, giving me an amazing view as she lent back and removed her hoodie, exposing her top half except for her breasts that were still enclosed in their cloth wrapping. The other thing begging to be released was my rock hard cock, but that would have to wait. She teased my as she sat astride me, leaving only my hands barely free to explore. She lent in toward me, locking her arms either side of me head. Her long hair ticking my face as she brought her beautiful breasts just out of reach of my pinned arms. "whats the price?" I ask desperate to expose her breasts. "for you, free" she replies with a sexy smile. She shifts her wight and leans backward as my hands move up her back to the clip. I help her remove her bra, she leans back in but has freed my arms allowing me to begin to give her boobs the pleasure they deserve.

She moans and  whimpers as my fingers and tongue expertly massage her breasts. She lifts me up slightly, removing my shirt, in doing this she gave me perfect access and ability to my body out from under hers. She rolls off onto her side as I slide the other way, and in one quick movement I manage to remove her trackies leaving her in only the other half of her matching grey with white frill trim underwear. I could clearly see the wet patches that had formed. I carefully removed her panties as she lay on her side. I moved back in to her now naked pussy to find it nearly completely naturally bald. 

   I began her pleasure by giving her one big lick straight down her slit producing a loud moan of pleasure. Her clit was clearly visible as I began to get to work. With every lick and tongue stroke I brought her closer to what after long chats I now know to be her first ever orgasm. She moaned even louder as I sucked her clit in my mouth and I knew that there wasn't far to go as I slid my finger slightly deeper and my tongue squeezes slightly tighter. Her hands were busy pleasing her tits as I licked and fingered away. She suddenly let out a huge moan and began to shake as I squeezed her clit even tighter. Her words were indistinguishable from the moans and grunts of her pleasure. Soon enough she was bucking and shaking as her pussy began to squirt.

She collapsed backward as my tongue struggled to lap up her sweet sweet nectar. It personally felt amazing and I sat up and looked across the bed to my new baby, and to see her sweating and panting as well as still moaning from her first ever orgasm. She finally began to regain control of herself, as she lay down me softly rubbing her allover as i lay beside her "that. . . ahh. .

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  was incredible. . . my first. . . ah. . . orgasm" she panted "there's more to cum"I replied with delight. As she regained herself I stripped off my jeans, but left by briefs on. I did happen to see her baf lying open on the floor as I noticed what I assumed to be pregnancy pills. "the pill huh?" "yeah. . .

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  medical reasons or something" she finally managed to reply as the affects had finally worn off. "you want to try something else?" I ask "YES!" "if you thought that was amazing, this will blow your mind! Do you want to control" I ask "I trust you" 

I begin to help her move around so her pussy is positioned and the edge of the bed. I finally removed my cock from it's cloth prison. Luckily Sophie was looking across at her puddle from before otherwise she might have second thoughts. I lube my cock up in her juices as she giggles complaint it tickles. "if you need, just tell me to stop so you can catch your breath" I slowly begin to penetrate her tight virgin cunt. Her skin, soft and tanned feels hotter than the sun. She is lying back, her right arm spread, her left drawing circles with her cum around her nipple. She braces herself as she feels my head enter her  tight cunt.

She moans and gasps as I slowly insert a little more. Her cunt is tighter than I thought she'd be. I can feel her cherry. I ask her if she wants to continue, "stuff the pain, put it all in!" she decides crazily. I slowly remove my cock and it comes out with a trail of juices producing a large moan. But I suddenly slam my full 8 inches into her tight snatch.

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   She screams in pain as her cherry is torn.

I stop to let her catch her breathe. I feel sorry for her as I see tears well in her eyes. She finally tells me to continue so I slowly begin a rhythm, sliding my full 8 inches slowly in and out. Her pussy has loosened slightly allowing me an easier time. I pick up speed as her moans fill the room. I guide her hand through her juices that were pooling against me and then return her hand to her mouth. She moans again as I push slightly deeper into her cunt. I withdraw, again bringing out  trail of our juices. I move up toward he mouth, letting her taste our blend. My cock drips fluid over her chest and across her face as my finger keep her pussy busy. I hop off her and lie back down on the bed. She mounts me, going for the cowgirl style. She position me at her waiting snatch and forces herself down. She begins to bounce up and down.

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   The air is filled with the smell of sex and the musk of our juices and the sound of her soft moans. I feel her pick up her pace as she leans forward over me, encouraging my hands to fondle her beautiful packages.  I hear something from her I have never heard before, a deeper, stronger, louder, more passionate moan. I feel her pussy contract. She collapses on-top of me, her face next to mine. She screams "omg. . . oh. . . oh. . ooh. .

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  . ah shit. . . aww fuck. . . . Fuck. . . fuck-fuck-fuck-IM CUMMING!! Awwwww shit!" I feel her pussy squirt 3 times as much as before. I cant keep my com in her cunt as she shakes. She suddenly lands on my bolt-upright cock. It enters her again.


   This time producing an even bigger scream -It isn't in her pussy - she has managed to force my huge meat into her tiny tight puckered ass hole. This new tightness is more than too much for me. I grunt and forcefully pump her ass with my cock. Filling her ass, I withdraw my cock, leaving what will be a huge cream-pie for her. She is lying next to me, panting and moaning, still high in the clouds.  

Sophie fell asleep, her head on my shoulder, her ass dripping cum and her pussy leaking her swear nectar.
The end

Comments are appreciated. If I receive enough feedback I will write what happened the Saturday morning


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