


Topic: LIFES SEXUAL PERKS 11 Fact or fiction? you decide.
 From here on I will take some chronological licence in an effort to keep each perks content a, beginning, middle and end. The reason for this,like all of lifes activities, they tend to develop over months or even years. So because from here forward, perks are virtually all factual in my memory and to save readers having to refer back to earlier episodes, here that's her name, Jackie!
 Following on my aunts revelation that,that customer was still at it and knowing that her neigbour had recently become a widower. Putting two and two together, I'd calculated that the action must take place on a Friday night because the father and son always headed for the pub just before closing time. I figured the son told his wife he was going to have a pint with dad and see his mum first. Hey ho! if I got it right,all I needed was a suitable vantage point to see the action.
 Being winter with dark nights,being spotted wasn't a problem but sorting a vantage point in the dark would be crazy. So off I went in daylight to sort it. I wandered up into the bombed site as we all did all the time. No problem there, heading towards the back wall of the houses I got distracted by an activity to one side and away from my destination. Some other kids had a den built,They weren't there but someone came into view just inside the entrance. I recognised who it was, 'Arthur,the cretin' he also had a younger cousin the girls and women for that matter called 'little cretin' (more later of why they had these nicknames) anyway he had his back to the den entrance and was leaning forward. With that as I approached to be nosey, Boobies came out looking a bit hot and flustered with the left side of her black thin sweater top up, pulled up above her breast and she was attempting to put her left tit back in her bra' I twigged her problem was the shoulder strap was broke. Anyway being more concerned at putting her breast and its nipple back in the bra' she hadn't seen me yet.
 When she did She headed for me saying will you walk back up to our street with me away from that little cretin.

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   So I did. Knight in shining armour me to all damsels in distress. On the way she told me what had happened. She'd gone to the ruins as we called them looking for the twins, (that's not unusual we all knew we'd find each other there) when she got there finding no one she headed for this den to have a look. What a mistake that was. Inside was Arthur the cretin. Interupting her at this juncture and not having always lived in the area, I asked why he and his cousin was nicknamed Arthur the cretin and little cretin's. She told me that they were both little hooligans Arthur was two years younger than 'Boobies' and the cousin was two years under that and since when they were about eight and ten they'd follow behind girls and women as old as their fifties then try to lift the back of their clothes with a stick to see up their legs or if approaching from the front they'd pass each side, one making a grab for a boob while the other would whip there hand up your skirt to try and get a feel.
 Their two mothers were at their wits end trying to stop them after older women told them about the antics. It seemed they'd boxed their ears,caned their asses and with the bigger one, tied him to the bed rails,all to no avail. I asked why no police complaint had been made. She said she didn't know, but thought the women may had seen it as a passing phase. So she went on, luckily Arthur was on his own, "If both had been there she reckoned they would have got her" he got between her and the entrance then made a grab for her boob,as she protected them he darted his hands up her skirt,in trying to cover her boobs and hold her skirt down at the same time her left side was vulnerable, his hand shot up inside her top grabbed her bra' thus breaking the strap and revealing her boob to him. I didn't let on I'd seen it out. Having seen it out and squeezed her a bit she was panicky because she then realised he had his out 'as she put it' and it was hard.

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   She knee'd him as hard as she could, 'hence what I saw by the entrance' and was relieved to see me appear.
 By now and more calm,her main concern was that her mother would find out about the broken bra' strap, half talking to herself she said I'll ask my older sister to fix it, if I do it myself mum might catch me but if she (her sister)does it mum will think its her own not mine. I said then,this is crazy, we've chatted all that way and I still don't know your name. Jackie' she said aah! thats nice. Now nearly by her door her twin mates from next door to her appeared and off they went, it was pretty obvious I was the centre of their questioning as they went on their way. . .
 . . . Some years later after me and Jackie were married, I happened on 'Arthur the cretin' in a pub. He was still a small guy but all the other kids had always found him as his cousin alright. It was just the females that hated him. So like you do we remminised about old times (not that old then) Me always good for a juicy story remember, touched (No punn here) on the girls around at that time. I noted his body language went on full alert.

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   Hesitatingly, he said you got married to Jackie didn't you? at the same time giving me an iffy side glance. Yeah say's I! Between me and you,she was a virgin still when we got engaged. I thought this might draw him, though I know she had a few narrow squeaks I even saw a couple of them. "Oh he opened up,like down that den that day" What is your version of it then?? I've always wondered. "I was inside that den having a wank and was just getting to the gravy strokes,I couldn't believe my luck when Jackie appeared like a vision" "Let me go back a bit and tell you what brought it to what you saw" "You know we pestered the females at that time? "Yeah" well a few days before in the terrace (below the bomb site) her older sister, "you know the Jackie 'lookalike' but taller one" Yeah. I interject,what about her? "Well she was coming home from work and true to form we followed her and tried to lift her skirt" She looked round and said, oh! not you little shits again, promply turning towards us. We thought she was going to wack us,we backed up,she in turn put her back against one of those trees there.
 Pulled up the front of her skirt and said "there,what you gonna do with it!" "I reckon she thought she'd frighten us off,instead like one we moved forward and she had those white cotton knickers on with the oversizes leg holes, we went in each side and started feeling her" "in no time ay all,suddenly I saw stars, we realised after, she'd grabbed our heads and whacked them together enough to crack our skulls" We only fucked about with girls after that. Anyway he said. . . getting back, when Jackie appeared I thought she'd been told about it and had come to where I was to get a feel from me,it was only after I'd  you know squeezed her tit abit and got a bit of a feel of her pussy outside her knickers that she seemed to realise I'd been wanking saw it out and knee'd me in the bollocks. That was it. Hope you're not pissed about it? No I reassured him. Far from it in fact I had a half hardon and my pants were wet.

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 I fully intended to reveal this chat to Jackie,when I got home and in bed with her to see if she had in fact gone 'cock hunting' She did in fact know about her sisters happening, it was when she explained how her strap got broke her sister linked it to her own happening. She also told her about the three minutes or so that she let these two kids finger her. Fully intending to draw them in with the intention of cracking their skulls and being experienced sexually, she held on longer than intended letting them feel her because she couldn't believe how horny she got immediately she felt two small hands fumbling her pussy. she said it was only the fear of it getting back to her boy friend that stopped her from letting them make her cum, but they would have been to small between their legs to fuck her. (Or have her as her sister put it)
 All was revealed then,but not quite. Jackie admitted he did get the feel he told me about and she had seen his cock from the outset but because he was on his own she knew she could duff him up when she decided enough was enough. It had excited her being molested but she had no intention of letting him feel her pussy in the rawl so thats why she kicked him in the middles. She also told her sister his cock size and sister confirmed it was big enough to go in a pussy so be careful if he tries to get you again. He didn't but I did! We fucked like rabbits on the strength of this talk and I realised at this time, dirty pillow talk not only turned me and Jackie on but judging how juicy she got,the actual thought of getting fucked against her will really worked her up before you put a finger on her so to speak.
 more to follow.  
Topic: LIFES SEXUAL PERKS 11 Fact or fiction? you decide.
 From here on I will take some chronological licence in an effort to keep each perks content a, beginning, middle and end. The reason for this,like all of lifes activities, they tend to develop over months or even years. So because from here forward, perks are virtually all factual in my memory and to save readers having to refer back to earlier episodes, here that's her name, Jackie!
 Following on my aunts revelation that,that customer was still at it and knowing that her neigbour had recently become a widower. Putting two and two together, I'd calculated that the action must take place on a Friday night because the father and son always headed for the pub just before closing time.

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   I figered the son told his wife he was going to have a pint with dad and see his mum first. Hey ho! if I got it right,all I needed was a suitable vantage point to see the action.
 Being winter with dark nights,being spotted wasn't a problem but sorting a vantage point in the dark would be crazy. So off I went in daylight to sort it. I wandered up into the bombed site as we all did all the time. No problem there, heading towards the back wall of the houses I got distracted by an activity to one side and away from my destination. Some other kids had a den built,They weren't there but someone came into view just inside the entrance. I recognised who it was, 'Arthur,the cretin' he also had a younger cousin the girls and women for that matter called 'little cretin' (more later of why they had these nicknames) anyway he had his back to the den entrance and was leaning forward. With that as I approached to be nosey, Boobies came out looking a bit hot and flustered with the left side of her black thin sweater top up pulled up above her breast and she was attempting to put her left tit back in her bra' I twigged her problem was the shoulder strap was broke. Anyway being more concerned at putting her breast and its nipple back in the bra' she hadn't seen me yet.
 When she did She headed for me saying will you walk back up to our street with me away from that little cretin. So I did. Knight in shining armour me to all damsels in distress. On the way she told me what had happened. She'd gone to the ruins as we called them looking for the twins, (that's not unusual we all knew we'd find each other there) when she got there finding no one she headed for this den to have a look.

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   What a mistake that was,inside was Arthur the cretin. Interupting her at this juncture and not having always lived in the area, I asked why he and his cousin was nicknamed Arthur and little cretin's. She told me that they were both little hooligans Arthur was two years younger than 'Boobies' and the cousin was two years under that and since they were about eight and ten they'd follow behind girls and women as old as their fifties then try to lift the back of their clothes with a stick to see up their legs or if approaching from the front they'd pass each side, one making a grab for a boob while the other would whip there hand up your skirt to try and get a feel.
 Their two mothers were at their wits end trying to stop them after older women told them about the antics. It seemed they'd boxed their years,caned their asses and with the bigger one tied him to the bed rails,all to no avail. I asked why no police complaint had been made. She said she didn't know, but thought the women may had seen it as a passing phase. So she went on, luckily Arthur was on his own, "If both had been there she reckoned they would have got her" he got between her and the entrance then made a grab for her boob,as she protected them he darted his hands up her skirt,in trying to cover her boobs and hold her skirt down at the same time her left side was vulnerable, his hand shot up inside her top grabbed her bra' thus breaking the strap and revealing her boob to him. I didn't let on I'd seen it out. Having seen it out and squeezed her a bit she was panicky because she then realised he had his out 'as she put it' and it was hard. She knee'd him as hard as she could, 'hence what I saw by the entrance' and was relieved to see me appear.
 By now and more calm,her main concern was that her mother would find out about the broken bra' strap, half talking to herself she said I'll ask my older sister to fix it, if I do it myself mum might catch me but if she (her sister)does it mum will think its her own not mine. I said then,this is crazy, we've chatted all that way and I still don't know your name. Jackie' she said aah! thats nice. nearly by her door her twin mates from next door to her appeared and off they went, it was pretty obvious I was the centre of their question as they went on their way.

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  . .
 . . . Some years later after me and Jackie were married, I happened on 'Arthur the cretin' in a pub. He was still a small guy but all the other kids had always found him as his cousin alright. It was just the females that hated him. So like you do we remminised about old times (not that old then) Me always good for a juicy story remember touched (No punn) on the girls around at that time. I noted his body language went on full alert. Hesitatingly her said you got married to Jackie didn't you?at the same time giving me a iffy side glance. Yeah say's I! Between me and you,she was a virgin still when we got engaged. I thought this might draw him, though I know she had a few narrow squeaks I even saw a couple of them. "Oh he opened up,like down that den that day" What is your version of it then,I've always wondered. "I was inside having a wank and was just getting to the gravy strokes,I couldn't believe my luck when Jackie appeared like a vision" "Let me go back a bit and tell you what brought it to what you saw" "You know we pestered the females at that time? well a few days before in the terrace (below the bomb sight) her older sister, "you know the Jackie 'lookalike'but taller one" Yeah.


   I interject,what about her? "Well she was coming home from work and true to form we followed her and tried to lift her skirt" She looked round and said, oh! not you little shits again, promply turning towards us. We thought she was going to wack us,we backed up,she in turn put her back against one of those trees there.
 Pulled up the front of her skirt and said "there,what you gonna do with it!" "I reckon she thought she'd frighten us off,instead like one we moved forward and she had those white cotton knickers on with the oversizes leg holes, we went in each side and started feeling her" "in no time suddenly I saw stars, we realised after she'd grabbed our heads and whacked them together enough to crack our skulls" We only fucked about with girls after that. Anyway he said. . . getting back, when Jackie appeared I thought she'd been told about it and had come to where I was to get a feel from me,it was only after I'd  you know squeezed her tit abit and got a bit of a feel of her pussy outside her knickers that she seemed to realise I'd been wanking saw it out and knee'd me in the bollocks. That was it. Hope you're not pissed about it? No I reassured him. Far from it in fact I had a half hardon and my pants were wet.
 I fully intended to reveal this chat to Jackie,when I got home and in bed with her to see if she had in fact gone 'cock hunting' She did in fact know about her sisters happening, it was when she explained how her strap got broke her sister linked it to her own happening. She also told her about the three minutes or so that she let these two kids finger her. Fully intending to draw them in with the intention of cracking their skulls and being experienced sexually, she held on longer than intended letting them feel her because she couldn't believe how horny she got immediately she felt two small hands fumbling her pussy. she said it was only the fear of it getting back to her boy friend that stopped her from letting them make her cum, but they would have been to small between their legs to fuck her.
 All was revealed then,but not quite.

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   Jackie admitted he did get the feel he told me about and she had seen his cock from the outset but because he was on his own she knew she could duff him up when she decided enough was enough. It had excited her being molested but she had no intention of letting him feel her pussy in the rawl so thats why she kicked him in the middles. She also told her sister his cock size and sister confirmed it was big enough to go in a pussy so be careful if he tries to get you again. He didn't but I did! We fucked like rabbits on the strength of this talk and I realised at this time dirty pillow talk not only turned me and Jackie on but judging how juicy she got,the actual thought of getting fucked against her will really worked her up before you put a finger on her so to speak.
 more to follow.  


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