
Shemale Vagina


Just a month ago I went to a party where I met several attractive women, or so were they? I was invited over to a different house for a nightcap by a pretty brunette and her roomate. I didn't ask for names, it didn't matter to me at the time. We no sooner got into the house when I was pounced upon by someone alot stronger then me. I struggled but was no match for whoever attacked me. The lighting was dim and it took my eyes awhile to adjust, but when they did, I found a heavyset woman holding me down and then I felt a sharp pain in my butt. I woke up an examination table like the ones used in most doctors offices. The pretty brunett was staring at me and when she saw that I was coming too, she called for the others. I looked around and saw that I was strapped down and completely nude. My legs were in stirrups and my gentials had been completely shaved. When the others arrived in the room, the brunette finally began to speak. She said something like, "We think that you'll make a great shemale and we're going to help you become one. I'm going to create a vagina out of your scrotum, it'll be way cool, you'll see!" I tried to talk, I hadn't asked for this and didn't want it, but the words came out slurred and they all laughed. The brunette said, "Don't worry about anything, you'll adjust and adapt, you have no choice. " But so you'll know what I'm doing, I'll talk to you and tell you about things, every step of the way. These ladies will assist me, so here we go!

They propped me up and I watched her put on some latex gloves and a mask. Everything looked sterile and clean, she looked like a surgeon, but I was not ready for this operation.

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   My mind was working but my body wasn't responding, all I could do was watch. I felt nothing. Finally the brunette looked at me and said, in order to make the lips or labia of your vagina, I'm going to make a vertical cut completely through your scrotum! And slowly she took a scapel and began to cut. I watched little puffs of smoke rise as she cut deeply into my sack. It was surreal and strange, there was no blood. I thought my balls would soon fall out as the slice got longer and started to open up, but they didn't. Finaly I couldn't see much anymore, and that's when she stopped and looked up at me. She said, "That's it! I've cut completely through your scrotum, want to see?"

Not really I said to myself, but she held up a mirror and I could see that my sack was now neatly divided. The brunette then said to me, "If you're going to be a true she male, you can keep your penis, but not your testicles. They'll get in the way and we can't have that! Now they like to hide from me, but with a little digging, I'll find them and cut them clean off of you! You won't miss them really, and it'll help keep your penis a nice little soft object, which is perfect for a shemale. Shemales shouldn't have large penises, not the ones I like. I like a little penis that I can play with and not worry about. I can get your penis aroused with alittle playtime, but it'll be softer and spongy, not hard and hurtful. " She was talking a mile a minute, and I was trying to fight, but no luck. Finally I heard her say, "Alright, let me find these balls of yours and we'll get rid of them.

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  " I couldn't feel anything, but I watched her dig around and finally she grabbed my left nut real hard and pulled it out of my scrotum. She said, "Now I've got you my precious! And in quick succession, she took some thread or something and tied a tight noose around the cord, not once, but several times. They giggdy and exhuberant, she turned to her assistants and asked them which one wanted to do the honors? I tried again to squirm, but no luck. The roomate stepped over quickly and taking a small pair of scissors, she said, "Let me! Let me!" So the brunette stepped aside and the roomate stepped in, took my testicle and held it there for a long time, examining it. She commented about it's size and weight, and she seemed overcome by it, to the point that she was sexually stimulated. Finally, she put the scissors to the cord, below the knotted thread.

She yelled at me to watch, and the heavy set woman propped me up even higher, and then this roomate, looking right into my eyes, said to me, "I'm going to emasculate you! Do you hear me? I'm going to cut off your balls! And with our eyes in total contact, she closed the blades of the scissors! And she rolled my testicle in her hands, savoring the moment. She doing contortions and her body was flexing, I knew she was having an orgasm, but I didn't expect her to bring my testicle up to my face. Then she put her face next to mine, with our cheeks touching she dangled my testicle about our mouths, and she licked my lips. This woman was crazed, then she put the testicle up to my lips, and unfortunately, I could feel it ever so slightly. I couldn't open my mouth, and wouldn't want too, it was my testicle. But then the woman stood above me on the table. She ripped off her skirt and exposed her nakedness. I could see clearly the vaginal opening and she took my testicle and thrust it up in side of her. It's then that I saw her small penis.

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   It was definitely a little penis. This woman was must have been a man just like me, but now she had a vagina and a small penis.

The penis didn't get erect, but this woman or shemale, was definitely hot and orgasmic. Finally, she dropped down onto my chest and from behind, she reached into her vagina and pulled out my testicle. The brunette said, "I'll take that, and she took it from this woman or shemale. " The shemale slowly got off of me and the brunette said, "O. K. It's time to find the other testicle, and quickly she found it and pulled it free from it's confines. She stretched the cord and tied it up, just like the other one. But she said to me, "It's my turn to savor the deliciousness of your castration. " So she bent down low and sucked in my testicle. She watched me to ensure that I was looking on, and then she started to chew on it, ever so slowly. I could feel some now, and I could feel the harshness of her chewing. She began to chew harder and harder, and all at once, something gave way. The testicle must have popped open and then I couldn't feel it.

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   She lifted her head, and I could see a small segment of cord dangling over her lip. She sucked it in like spaghetti. Then she smiled at me, and pushed out my severed testicle for me to see. I closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them, she was looking at me. She tilted her head back, chewed a little more, and then she swallowed. I knew that I had been castrated, somehow, I didn't mind. I had fantasied about it, but never expected it. Now my fantasy had come true. The brunette drank something and then she said, now I can make your vagina! She began to talk me through it.

She said, first we need to clean out your scrotum. She took some swabs and dabbed something inside of me then she turned it inside out. For the first time in my life, I saw the inside of my sack. Finally she said, "Now I've got to split your cock in half, being ever so careful. But I'll relocate your urethra first, which is what she did. Then she took a scalpel, and she told me that she would split my penis from the base of my penis to the anus.

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   It'll be about four inches or more. With that she went right to work. She started cutting slowly, I couldn't see very good, but I could feel the knife, but little pain. Finally she looked up and said, "There. It's perfect! Now I'll attach the sides of your scrotum to the sides of your split dick. So she took some thread with a curved like needle and began to sew. After what seemed like and hour or more, she said, "Finished!"

By now I had regained most of my feeling and I tried to sit up, but was pushed back down hard. Then she showed me her work using the mirror. I could see what looked like a beautiful vagina, complete with labia lips. But it was me. I said to her, why? And she said, because I can! With that she said, "Look at me. " She lifted her skirt and she showed me here vag. It looked real, and I asked her if it was! She said, yes, I was born a woman, but I like turning men into shemales. That way they can have the best of both worlds.

She then mounted me and looking into my eyes, she said, for the first time in your life, your going to have sex, without your balls.

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   She aroused my cock and slid it into her slowly and tearfully. She kept saying, "It hurts, but I like it. " Then she said, in a few weeks, your penis will be small and soft, it'll never hurt me again! I couldn't think about that now, it felt tooo goood. .

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